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Unique Front of house Landscape Help/Advice!

6 years ago

Hello - looking for some much needed help! I'm in 6b (new jersey) The FRONT of my house (facing the street) is essentially how most homes SIDES look. I've removed the large shrubs on the left and right of this facade, but I don't know what to do next. I'm going to plant some boxwoods in the bed (the bed is only 3.5 feet deep, no real way to make it deeper bc of walkway). Someone told me to to do alberta spruce on the left and right of this, which I think will look decent (they are a little but small IMO) but I can't help but think I need something right in the middle. Would that look strange and break any landscape best practices? My only options given the bed would be a narrow shrub, column shrub or pear tree maybe? Need some fresh eyes on this, any advice is appreciated!

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