Opinions on these Hybrid Teas/Grandifloras
6 years ago
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ARS Hybrid Tea / Grandiflora 2010 Show Results
Comments (0)ARS HT / Grandiflora 2010 Rose Show Results By Ronald Schwerdt December 2010 Affirm, ---, mp, 1998, 7.5 (8.0), ------, Q-1, K-2, P-1, C-5 American Honor---, mp, 1993, 7.0 (7.2), ----------------,Q-1 Andrea Stelzer----lp, 1992, 7.5 (7.8), ----------, P-2, C-2 Anne Morrow Lindbergh, -------pb, 1993, 7, P-1 Aperitif,---my, 1998, 7.5 (7.2), ---------------------, K-1 Artic Circle,---, w, 2008, -----------------------, Q-1, P-5 Asso Di Cuori ,---, dr, 1998, 8.0, --------------------, C-3 Awareness ,---, dp, 1997, 7.4 (7.2, ), ----------------, C-1 Barbara Bush, ---, pb, 1990, 7.5 (7.2), ---------------, P-1 Belle Rouge, ---, dr, 1999, 7.5 (6.9), ----------------, C-1 Bewitched, ---, mp, 1967, 7.7, --------------------------, C-1 Big Red, ---, mr, 2007, 7.8 (8.0), ------------, Q-1, K-1 ,C-2 Big Time, ---, dp, 2001, 7.6 (7.9), -----------------------, C-2 Black Magic, ---, dr, 1997, 7.7 (7.7), - Q-8, K-2, P-4, C-21 Blake Hedrick, ---, mr, 2004, 7.4 (7.4), ----, Q-1, P-2, C-2 Bles Bridges, ---, dr, 1996, 7.2 (7.3), -------------------, C-1 Brandenburg Gate, mp, 1991, 7.4 (.8) ----------, Q-2, C-1 Brandy, ---, ab, 1981, 7.4 ((7.1), -------------------------, K-1 Bride's Dream, ---, lp, 1985, 8.1, ------------, K-1, P-2, C, 2 Brigadoon, ---, pb, 1991, 7.8 (6.9), ----,Q-2, K-2, P-2, C-2 Brooks Red, ---, mr, 2000, 7.5 (7.9), --------, K-1, P-1, C-4 Cajun Moon, ---, w, 2001, 7.9 (8.2)--,Q-6, K-5, P-2-, C-11 Cajun Signature, --, w, 2004, 7.5 (7.8), --------, Q-1, C-1 Cajun Sunrise, ---pb, 2001, 7.7 (8.0), -Q-2, K-2, P-2, C-11 Camara, ---, or, 1978, 7.8 (0.0), -------------------------, Q-1 Captain Harry Stebbins,---, dp, 1980, 7.8, -----------, K-1 Catherine Marie, ---, mp, 1991, 7.5 (7.4), ------------, C-2 Cesar E. Chavez, ---, dr, 2002, 7.4 (7.4), ---------------, C-3 Cherry Parfait, ---, rb, 2001, 7.8 (7.4),------------, P-1, C-1 Chicago Peace,---, pb, 1962, 7.7 ------------------, Q-1, C-2 Christian Dior, ---, mp, 1961, 7.2,-----------------------, K-1 Classic Touch,---, lp, 1991, 7.5 (7.9),--------------------, P-1 Clich�, ---, pb, 2001, 6.8 (7.0), ---------------------------, C-1 Color Magic, ---, pb, 1978, 7.9 (7.0), -------------------, C-2 Coral Fiesta, ---, or, 1983, 7.5, ---------------------, K-1, C-1 Crowd Pleaser, ---, dp, 2000, 7.5 (7.6), ----, Q-1, K-3, C-1 Crystalline, ---, w, 1987, 8.0 (8.1), ----, Q-2, K-1, P-4, C-5 Dawing Moment,---, ab, 2007, --------------------------, C-1 Deidre Hall, ---, yb, 2006, 7.4 (7.6), --, Q-1, -K-1, P-2, C-1 Desperado, ---, rb, 2007, 7.6 (7.9), ---------, K-4, P-1 , C-6 Diana, Princess Of Wales,--,pb, 1998, 7.5 (7.5), P-1, C-2 Dick Clark, ---, rb, 2010, ------------------------------------, C-1 Distant Sounds, ---, pb, 1996, (7.3 (7.4), --------------, C-2 Dolly Parton, ---, or, 1984, 7.5 (7.8), --------------------, C-1 Double Delight, ---, rb, 1977, 8.4 (8.0), ----------, Q-3, P-1 Dublin, ---, mr, 1982, 8.2 (8.0), ---------------------, P-6, C-1 Elegant Beauty, ---, lp, 1982, 8.0 (8.2) -----------------, C-2 Elina, ---, ly, 1984, 8.6 (8.0), ------------------------, Q-2, P-2 Elizabeth Taylor, ---, dp, 1985, 8.4 (8.1), --------, Q-1, C-5 Elle, ---, pb, 2003, 7.7 (7.4), ------------------------, P-1, C-1 European Touch,--- , ab, 1997, --------------------------, Q-1 Exotica, ---, ob, 1999, 7.4, (7.2), -------------------------, C-1 Fairest One, ---, rb, 2010, ---------------------------------, C-1 Falling in Love, ---, pb, 2006, 7.7 (7.8), -----------, P-4, C-3 Fame, ---, dp, 1998, 8.1 (7.5), ---------------------, Q-1, C-2 Fantasy, ---, w, 1992, 7.4 (7.3), --------------------------, C-1 Firefighter, ----, dr, 2004, 7.5 (7.2), ---------------------, C-1 First Fed Renaissance, ---, mp, 1980, 7.6, -------------, P-1 Folklore, ---, ob, 1977, 8.2 (8.0),- ------, Q-1, K-2, P-3, C-5 French Perfume, ---, yb, 1993, 7.4 (7.0), --------------, C-1 Garden Party, ---, w, 1959, 7.9, -------------- -----------, C-1 Gemini, ---, pb, 2000, 8.2 (8.4), ----- Q-19, K-9, P-9, C-22 Gold Metal, ---, my, 1982, 8.4 (8.0),---------, K-2, P-2, C-6 Harry Wheatcroft, ---, yb, 1972, 6.5 (5.5), ------, K-1, P-1 Helen Naude, --- , w, 1996, 7.7 7.9), --------, K-1, P-2, C-2 Helmut Schmidt, ---, my, 1979, 7.3, --------------, K-1, C-5 Here's Gert, ---, mp, 2004, 7.6 (7.7),--------------, K-2, C-1 Hollywood Star --- , ab, 2001, 7.3 (7.5), ---------------, C-2 Hot Princess, ---,2000, 7.9 (8.3), ---Q-20, K-12, P-2, C-12 Impulse, ---, ob, 2006, -------------------------------------- Q-1 Ingrid Bergman, --- , dr, 7.8 (6.4), -----, Q-1, K-1, P-1, C-1 Jen, ---, yb, 2001, 7.3 (7.5) -------------------------------, Q-1 Jema, ---, ab, 1981, 7.9 (7.7), -----------------------, K-1, C-1 Joyfulness, ---, ab, 1984, 8.1 (7.9), ----------------------, C-1 Kardinal, ---, mr, 1986, 8.5 (7.6), ------------, Q-2, P-1, C-4 Keepsake, ---, pb, 1981, 8.0 (8.3), ----------------------, P-3 Key Largo, ---, op, 2001, 7.6 (7.4), ----------------, Q-3, K-1 King Kong, ---, ab, 2007, ----------------------------, Q-1, C-1 King Of Hearts, ---, mr, 1968, 7.7, -----------------------,Q-1 Kordes' Perfecta, ---, pb, 1958, 6.9,---------------------, C-1 Le Ann Rimes, ---, pb, 1999, 7.3 (7.5), ------------------, P-1 Leonidas, ---, rb, 1995, 6.8 (6.8), ------------------------, C-1 Let Freedom Ring--, 2005, 7.9 (8.1), Q-8, K-6, P-10, C-10 Liebeszauber, ---, mr, 1990, 8.0 (7.6), ------------------, K-3 Looking Good, ---, pb, 2004,------------------------, K-1, C-1 Louise Estes, ---, pb, 1991, 8.3 (8.4), ,Q-4, K-6, P-1, C-19 Love & Peace, ---, yb, 2001, 7.8 (7.3), ------, Q-1, K-1, P-2 Lovers Lane, ---, mr, 2002, 7.4 (7.3), -------------------, C-1 Lynette, ---, w, 1985, 7.5 (8.1),---------------------, Q-1, C-1 Lynn Anderson, ---, 1993, 7.5 (7.7),--- Q-3, K-3, K-2, C-3 Madame Violet, ---, m, 1981, 7.0,-----------------------, C-1 Marijke Koopman, ---, mp, 1980, ------------------, P-1, C-1 Marilyn Monroe, --, 2002, 7.9 (8.1), - Q-7, K-2, P-8, C-12 Marilyn Wellan, ---mr, 2005, 7.7 (7.9), Q-1, K-1, p-4, C-8 Marlon's Day, --, w, 2005, 7.7 (7.8)--,Q-4, K-1, P-3, C-10 Mavrik,---, pb, 2000, 7.6 (8.0), ---------, Q-2, K-6, P-2, C-6 Medallion, ---, ab, 1973, 7.1,-----------------------------, C-2 Memorial Day, ---, mp, 2004, 7.5 (6.7), ---------------, Q-1 Michelangelo, ---, my, 1997, 7.6 (7.1),----------------, P-1 Milestone, ---, rb, 1983, 8.0 (7.3),-----------------------, K-1 Miss All-American Beauty, ---, dp, 1965, 7.7,---------, C-1 Miss Elvis, ---, ob, 2000, 7.5 (7.4), -----------------, K-1, C-1 Miss Kitty, ---, w, 2007, ------------------------------------, Q-1 Mister Lincoln, ---, dp, 8.2 (7.6),-------------------, P-1, C-2 Moonstone, ---, 1998, 8.2 (8.4), -,Q-13, K-18, P-10, C-23 Mu Lan, ---, pb, 2004, 7.4 (7.6), -------------------, Q-1, C-3 My Lady Barbara, ---, pb, 2010,--------------------------, C-1 Natasha Monet, ---, m, 1993, 7.6 (8.1), ---, Q-2, K-1, P-1 Neptune, ---, m, 2003, 7.4 7.4), -------------, Q-2, K-1, P-1 O�Rilla, ---, r, 1996, 7.4, ------------------------------------, C-2 Oklahoma, ---, dr, 1964, 6.9, ---------------------------, P-1 Olympiad,---, mr, 1983, 8.6 (8.0),-----------, Q-2, K-4, C-2 Opening Night, --, dr, 1998, 7.8 (7.4), -Q-2, K-1, P-1, C-3 Orlando, ---, mp, 1995, 7.4 (7.7), ------------------------, P-1 Osiana, ---, ab, 1988, 7.6 (7.5),---------------------------, C-1 Paradise, ---, m , 1979, 7.6 (8.0), ------------------------, C-1 Park Place,---, m, 2004, 7.3 (6.8),------------------------, P-1 Pat's Choice, ---, or, 1996, ------------------------------, C-1 Peace, ---, yb, 1945, 8.1, ---------------------------------, C-2 Pearl, ---, w, 1999, 7.5 (7.5), -----------------------------, P-1 Pearl Essence, ---, lp, 2010, 7.5 (7.6),-------------------, K-2 Perfect Moment, ---, rb, 1989, 7.8 (7.1),---, K-1, P-2, C-1 Perfectly Red, ---, dr, 1999, 7.6 (7.6)--------, K-1, P-2, C-3 Peter Frankerfeld, ---, dp, 1966, 8.0,-------------------, C-1 Pink Intuition, ---, pb, 2006, 7. 2 (7.3), -----------------, P-1 Pink Promise, ---, pb, 2008, ------------------------------, K-3 Polarstern, ---,w, 1982, 7.7 (7.6), -----------------------, C-3 Pop Warner, ---, pb, 2000, 7.6 (7.8),---Q-2, K-3, P-1, C-9 Pristine, ---, w, 1977, 8.6 (8.5), --------------------, Q-1, K-1 Queen of Hearts, ---, rb, 2005, --------------------------, Q-1 Raphaela, ---, ob, 1994, 7.3 (8.0), -----, Q-1, K-1, P-1, C-3 Red Intuition, ---, rb, 2004, 7.7 (7.7), -------, K-2, P-1, C-4 Red Queen, ---, mr, 1968, 7.1, ---------------------------, Q-1 Rephidy, ---, pb, 7.5 (7.2), ---------------------------------, C-1 Rina Hugo, ---, dp, 1993, 7.8 (7.8), ---------------, Q-1, C-1 Rio Sambo, ---, yb, 1991, 7.4 (6.7), ---------------------, P-1 Ronald Reagan, ---, rb, 2003, 7.3 (7.4), ----------------, K-2 Rosie O�Donnell, ---, rb, 1999, 7.6 7.6), ----------, K-1, C-3 Secret, ---, pb, 1992, 7.9 (7.7), ---------------------------, C-1 Sensation, ---, ob, 1992, 7.5 (7.5), ----------------------, Q-2 Sheer Bliss, ---, w, 1985, 7.8 (7.7), ----------------------, P-1 Sheer Elegance, ---, op, 1989, 7.8 (7.8), ---------, K-1, C-1 Signature, ---, dp, 1998, 7.6 (8.2), ---, Q-3, K-2, P-4, C-11 Silver Jubilee, ---, pb, 1978, 8.6 (6.5), ------------------, C-2 Silverado, ---, m, 1987, 7.5 (7.9), ------------------------, P-1 Southern Breeze, --- , m, 2004, -------------------, Q-1, C-1 Soutine, ---, rb, 2000, -------------------------------, Q-2, K-1 St Patrick, ---, yb, 1999, 8.0 (8.), -----------, Q-4, P-5, C-14 Stainless Steel, ---, m, 1991, 7.5 (7.), -------, K-2, P-1, C-2 Standing Ovation, ---, rb, 1998, 7.0 (7.3), -------------, P-1 Steppin' Out, ---, mp, 1995, 7.6 (7.5), -----------, Q-1, C-2 Strike it Rich, ---, yb, 2007, 7.7 (7.2), -------------------, P-1 Suffolk, ---, w, 1984, 8.2 (8.0), ---------------, Q-1, P-4, C-1 Summer Dream, ---, ab, 1986, 7.5 (7.4), ---------------, C-1 Sunset Celebration, ---, ab, 1998, 7.8 (7.3), -----------,C-1 Sunstruck, ---, ab, 2004, 7.6 (7.7), ----------------- ,P-3, C-7 Table Mountain, ---, pb, 1990, 7.3 (7.2), --------, P-1, C-3 Taboo, ---, dr, 1993, 7.3 (6.6), --------------------------, P-1 Tahitian Sunset, ---, ab, 2006, 7.7 (7.4), ---------------, C-1 Tempie Lee, ---, pb, 1998, 7.3 (7.2), --------------------, C-1 Timeless, ---, dp, 1998, 7.3 (7.6), ------------------, P-2, C-1 Tineke, ---, w, 1989, 7.9 (7.6), ----------, Q-1, K-1, P-2, C-2 Tinseltown, ---, pb, 1996, 6.8 (6.9) , --------------------, Q-1 Touch Of Class, ---, 1985, 8.7 (8.6), ---,Q-1, K-4, P-3, C-9 Tournament Of Roses, ---, mp, 1988, 8.2 (7.4), ------, C-1 Tropicana, ---, or, 1960, 7.6, -----------------------------, C-1 Truly Yours, ---, lp, 2006, 7.4 (7.4), ----------------------, C-1 Uncle Joe, ---, dr, 1972, 7.9, ------------, Q-2, K-3, P-4, C-3 Uncle John, mr, 2001, ------------------------------------, C-1 Veldfire, --- , ab, 1987, 7.6 (7.6), ------------------------, P-1 Veteran's Honor, ---dr, 8.3 (8.3), ---, Q-3, K-15, P-9, C-21 White Delight, ---, w, 1989, 7. (7.3), --------------------, C-1 White Linen, ---, w,------------------------------------------- C-1 White Success, ---, w, 1985, 7.4 (7.8), ------ K-1, P-1, C-6...See Morea few hybrid teas and grandifloras so far
Comments (4)I'm seriously considering Ace of Hearts (Asso di Cuori) as my next red rose. Your picture doesn't hurt its chances one bit. I don't see any disease on it either...The rest of your roses are good ones too. My eye keeps going back to Melody Perfume. Very nice indeed....See MorePink Enchantment, is it a hybrid tea or a grandiflora?
Comments (13)Lilyfinch, Sorry, my camera skills do not exist...never been able to take a decent picture in my life except for two times, 26 years ago. The photo of Pink Enchantment at Heirloom Roses shows a bloom that is just about as good as the best ones my bush has produced...ice cream dessert looking kind of flower, very appealing. During the heat of summer the pink center is much paler. There is a shot of a large bed of PE on HMFR under its photo subject index. I will tell you, Pink Enchantment's foliage growth pattern is just like that of the HT, Memorial Day, with shortish leaves having tightly arranged, normal sized leaflets. The entire leaves droop naturally. You can see it in Ashley's photo above. They are not wilting as you might think. This trait annoys me slightly, but the other redeeming points of Pink Enchantment outweigh this slight negative. There is also a better than medium fragrance, but not strong. I would give it a try, especially since Chamblee's stocks it at a most reasonable price. It is also ADR which means vigor, disease and winter hardiness are pretty high. Moses...See MoreHelp ID Hybrid Tea/Grandiflora? :)
Comments (9)Both Sheer Bliss and Stainless Steel are really good suggestions! SS is probably the closest match that I’ve seen. I had thought about it, but I guess I hadn’t looked closely enough at it. After examining photos on DG and HMF, there are some shots of SS that look just like my rose. Others give me a good bit of hesitation, though. Are the ruffle petals that I see in some pics of SS indicative of the variety? Mine usually does not exhibit ruffles like that. The fat, greenish buds with the sepals turned down are a dead ringer. Some photos also show a fair amount of luminous pink on the edges. Maybe mine just doesn’t turn “Lavender” as often, fr whatever reason. I can’t say that I would have ever classed mine as one of the lavender/mauve roses until this spring....See MoreRelated Professionals
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