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First Time Growing Rosemary: Plants Are Burning Up!

Hello, all,

This is my first time growing rosemary. I planted some rosemary cuttings indoors in January, transplanted them once they had rooted to their own individual terra cotta pots, and added plant food for the first time (per instructions) last week to feed them. All but one have now turned a very dark color and are hard/dried out to the touch. I believe I must have accidentally burned their roots and killed them by either adding too much plant food or not mixing it well enough with the potting soil. I clipped the last green shoot of one of them and have put it in some new soil to try to save it, but I don't think it will live. It's still green, but limp. The last rosemary cutting looks fine, but so did the other one yesterday and now it's probably dead. What should I do? Should I transplant the last rosemary plant to new potting soil without the plant food in it? I've included photos of what the dead rosemary and the one still living rosemary look like right now.

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