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Keep or throw away Princess Alexandra of Kent roses?

Tangles Long
6 years ago

I feel like replacing 3x PAoK roses, having grown it for 3-4 years. I need to make room for other roses coming in this winter: Cressida, Constance Spry, Evelyn and Veterans Honor.

Now I can understand why another member on this forum hated this rose. It just doesn't bloom profusely; has weak neck that makes the bloom nod downwards. The bloom form is not always beautiful, upright or perfect like the photos posted on David Austin's website. Mine looked too blousy, and messy and it's not really a pink rose!

But every time I visited David Austin's website or watched the Youtube clip of this rose posted by shinichi rose , I feel that "one day" my Princess Alexandra of Kent roses might look as perfect as them. Or am I dreaming here? How can I make it prolific bloom machine with strong neck?

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