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HFGH with 4x4 base

7 years ago

I have recently purchased a 10x12 HFGH and as soon as the weather warms up will begin assembly. I have been reading this forum, the blog by mudhouse and watching many youtube videos. I hopefully know what I am getting myself into with this project. In watching the videos and looking at the manuals for the 10x12 and the 6x8 greenhouses I notices that the smaller one can be installed directly to 4x4's for the foundation. Can parts 1-6 of the 10x12 also be installed directly to 4x4's or must the base assembly (parts 44-46) be assembled and attached to the 4x4's? Just wondering if there is any reason the use the base assembly if I am going to anchor 4x4's to the ground for my base.

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