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February 2018 "show us some of your plants" please this month!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Please, now that February is finally here, and January has quickly gone for some and yet slowly gone for others, please let's see what prized plants have even if they are not in pots!

Many here grow many variety of plants besides succulents and cactus, so feel free to let us in on what else you grow and of course your beautiful cactus and succulents...

Last month did great, let's see if we can surpass that.


Comments (152)

  • 6 years ago

    Whitters, too perfect. I can see why it’s your favorite. A new one to be on the look out for.


  • 6 years ago

    whitters if I ran across one with those colors I would buy it in a heartbeat and I'm not looking to add anything to my succulent collection anytime soon but that one gets my attention.

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  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Nick, fantastic. Thanks for the photos. I hate grass lawns. Who came up with that idea? That must be a ton of work for you, but at least I would hope there's less weeding. I don't know if you normally have weeds and lawns like the midwest.

  • 6 years ago

    Euphorbia with fat roots.

  • 6 years ago

    Trying to wake up

    myermike_1micha thanked tanpexoctics Willis
  • 6 years ago

    I love that caudex, keep us posted.

    myermike_1micha thanked isde02(zone5b)
  • 6 years ago

    Euphorbia Francoisii rusty leaves

    myermike_1micha thanked Ycloh1 (Singapore)
  • 6 years ago

    I just finished up with some new bark and like this color much better than the brown you can see in my previous post. Now I need to paint the fence next :)

    myermike_1micha thanked Nick (9b) Modesto Area
  • 6 years ago

    Caralluma hexagona cactus , look like the cactus trying to leave the pot :)

    myermike_1micha thanked Ycloh1 (Singapore)
  • 6 years ago

    gasteraloe green ice

    myermike_1micha thanked davez7anv
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Dave, beautiful!!

    Ycloch, it sure Love it! You always have the most unusual plants to boot.

    Nick, beautiful job great landscaping. So neat and organized. When am I invited over for a nice fire and a drink? Wow

    Whitters, what a beautiful color, no wonder it's your favorite.

    Matt, very nice arrangement..You must love those in there.

    JeffO. you always have so many to show. love them all

    Rina, for someone that lives way up north, your plants in flower must tell you something. Great job. Thank you. Love those yellow flowers.

    Josue, amazing. They love your area. Nice.

    If I forgot anyone, I did like every one of the plants posted here. Thank you.

  • 6 years ago

    Tanpexoctics..Wow..That is one special plant you have there, Extremely rare to me and I imagine hard to care for? Beautiful!

  • 6 years ago

    Mike it is not to common that's for sure, but OOA has them now and then .its new growth will be red and turn green . it does have a nice texture to the caudex, care wise good draining mix and water when in growth seems to be working

    myermike_1micha thanked tanpexoctics Willis
  • 6 years ago

    The front five are new

    myermike_1micha thanked User
  • 6 years ago


    Another great looking plant! That Green Ice is a very nice bunch with chubby leaves :)


    Good looking plants, I see your collection is growing bigger very fast! What looks like xGasteraloe to me - in community pot - may grow into quite large plant soon.

  • 6 years ago

    Thanks :) It's hard to say no. I didn't know they got that big so I'm sure I'll be playing around with the community pots by May. LOL I like that term you use community pot!

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I have one that all of sudden more than doubled up in size and has at least 5 offsets. All in 1 year of growing. Maybe that's normal rate of growth, but I have it in a pot and didn't expect it. Main stem is bit too long, and I'll be beheading it soon - I think :) It bloomed few times too last year.

    myermike_1micha thanked rina_Ontario,Canada 5a
  • 6 years ago

    Pachypodium brevicaule just starting to wake up after its winter snooze...

    myermike_1micha thanked stupidlazydog CT zone 5b/6a
  • 6 years ago

    mammilaria and opuntia snow.

    myermike_1micha thanked davez7anv
  • 6 years ago

    My favorite cactus!

    Love the chubby leaves on this one!

    myermike_1micha thanked nika_plants_zone6b
  • 6 years ago


    I hope you don't mind me saying this; Kalanchoe in your 1st photo I very etiolated - it needs light.

  • 6 years ago

    Don't worry abut it Rina! I already know but I'm waiting until at least spring and I'm also very nervous about being killing the poor plant. I'm a newbie.

  • 6 years ago

    All it needs is good light. So keeping it in sunniest spot you have, or even adding some light during winter would help a lot. Here is one of the same plants I have, overwintering in dark basement, under CFL lightbulbs for 12hrs/day:

    What exactly are you nervous about? Maybe we can help...

    myermike_1micha thanked rina_Ontario,Canada 5a
  • 6 years ago

    Am I the only one who's creeped out about furry succulents?

    myermike_1micha thanked Jeff (5b)
  • 6 years ago

    Wow Rina that plant looks AWESOME! If only mine could look like that :/. I'm afraid that when I cut off the top, it will rot and die because I am terrible at rooting succulents. I know they are the "easiest plants" that "thrive off neglect" but mine always die. Whenever I leave them alone, they slowly wilt and dry up. On the other hand when I try to water them they rot or don't grow. Still trying to find a happy medium. Also, maybe it's just me but I find fuzzy succulents especially hard to root. Sorry for the long ramble. :)

    myermike_1micha thanked nika_plants_zone6b
  • 6 years ago

    Don't worry about it Nika, I've come to realise some plants just don't want to live. My kalanchoe tomentosa has droopy leaves that are getting wrinklier every day. I haven't given it any water in ages just to rule out overwatering. Last time I watered it didn't seem to make any difference. My other plants aren't making any roots into their new pots. Succulents aren't very easy plants.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago


    Yours could look as good or even better! If you can give it more light, you'll see difference quite soon. My plant looked similar too:

    I started to give it more light, and it even bloomed:
    They get even more light now during winter, and spend Summers outdoors:
    Stems get woody and longer as plant ages, but leaves should be quite compact. With good light, they color up better too.
    Try a leaf: just leave it on surface in same pot, and do not worry except don't pour water over it when watering - water other side of pot. This leaf fell off - maybe I broke it when handling plants around; I recently noticed it is growing plantlets:

    myermike_1micha thanked rina_Ontario,Canada 5a
  • 6 years ago

    Myermike thanks, I like unusual plants.

    Echeveria "shark fins" in a 4" pot

    Euphorbia 1"pot

    myermike_1micha thanked Ycloh1 (Singapore)
  • 6 years ago

    myermike_1micha thanked oks2n2_Siberia1
  • 6 years ago

    bulbo monoliforme smallest Orchid?The wood is 3/4" across. The bulb about 2mm. Latest collection.

    myermike_1micha thanked Ycloh1 (Singapore)
  • 6 years ago


  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago


    Your Superbum is superb!

  • 6 years ago


    Thanks! That post actually gives me hope!!! Judging from your name I take it you live in Canada which must get pretty cold. I live in New England where it also gets really cold.( In fact we could get a nor'easter this weekend. That's just a heavy storm with lots of rain wind and snow.) but that's beside the point. I'm wondering where you keep your kalanchoe to get that full. Mine is currently in a west facing window but that clearly doesn't do it. Do you use artificial lighting? Just wondering, I would like to make my plants as beautiful as yours.

  • 6 years ago

    nika, I know that is directed to Rina just wanna mention about the west, south west windows. From the few months I've been growing I notice they need the light from directly above meaning no roof so to speak.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago


    Yes, I keep most succulents under lights during winter. There are some that just don't fit in that space, but all that do are in basement and only light they get is from supplemental lights. I have them on timer, 12hrs/day. I have only couple of windows upstairs that get some sunlight - if there is any :). There are no lights there, and few plants are little etiolated. I keep mostly jades and some Haworthias there, but few other succulents too. Klanachoe tomentosa (I have 3 plants now) are under lights. As soon as it gets warm enough (that mean nighttime temps stay at no less than 50*F constantly), I take all plants outdoors. That is usually last week of May, but it is up to Mother Nature :) They stay in same spot, that is sunny from sunrise 'till sunset, until it gets cold again and have to be brought indoors.

    myermike_1micha thanked rina_Ontario,Canada 5a
  • 6 years ago

    Oksana - Gorgeous jades. I especially love those variegates, so beautiful!

    These Legolas leaves are over a year old! Finally some more green growth :)

    Excited to see another growth point too (at the bottom).


    myermike_1micha thanked nanzjade z5 MA
  • 6 years ago

    Nancy,these look great!I wonder if they will survive though without the mother leaf.Will they be able to photosynthesize?

  • 6 years ago

    Thank you all!


    I'm afraid these light green leaves will become white :( Josh Green answered me that Legolas behaves similar Alba. So, they will not be able to grow without the mother leaf.

  • 6 years ago

    Fabulous cold-stress colours on this Sedum spathulifolium growing in a pot in my garden (it was -5 deg C last night, unusually cold for my locality)

    myermike_1micha thanked Andrew (UK south coast, like 9a)
  • 6 years ago

    Another one, Pachyveria 'Thunderbird', this plant normally grows plain green but has devloped some pink hues in the cold weather, this plant is kept in a cold frame which has been dipping to around -1 or -2 degC at night this week


    myermike_1micha thanked Andrew (UK south coast, like 9a)
  • 6 years ago


    Very nice! Great color on both - S. spathulifolium is hardy to z5, so -5*C should be np for it. I do not know about hardiness of next plant; many pachies should be kept from freezing, but some supposedly tolerate light frost. Looks like yours is one of them.

    myermike_1micha thanked rina_Ontario,Canada 5a
  • 6 years ago

    k. aurora borealis blooming

    myermike_1micha thanked davez7anv
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    You know, if I had room, I would grow each and everyone of these beautiful plants. Thanks for posting. So nice.

    Nancy!! How in the world did you get them to grow from leaf variegated!!?? Not even Glen has been able too nor I. All leaves come back green.

    Here's to thinking outside the box. Just few different plants I grow very fragrant

    One of my favorite Orchids which smells the whole yard up even in winter.

    Lemon Tree loaded with fruit.
    Another orchid which smells like vanilla cookies
    This orchid smells like Coco butter or a day at the beach with Hawaiian tropic on.
    These are on a very cold porch left dry until next month in a dormant stage.
    Not sure what this one is but I like it.

  • 6 years ago


    Great orchids! That white plant is Senecio haworthii. Did you grow it from cutting?

  • 6 years ago

    Why did you put powdered sugar on your plant?

  • 6 years ago

    Another coloured-up sedum, this one is Sedum commixtum

  • 6 years ago

    mostly pulidonis and california sunset

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Dave, with plants that HUGE, how in the world do you keep them free of pest especially mealy with all those hiding places and does it ever concern you? Some of the biggest potted ones I've seen. Nice

    Andrew, beautiful coloring. Always nice color.

    Rina, thank you. I bought that from Esty as a pup plant. I love it. It brightens a darker spot and reflects the sunlight..

    Everyone, you see all those cactus I am keeping dry on a cold porch, temps usually in the 40's 30's and 50's, when should I water them?


  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Ermione & Oksana... Sure, there is a good chance that my two Legolas leaves won't produce chlorophyll after the mother leaves dry up but I am enjoying them greatly anyways so I leave it up to them for their fate.

    Mike!! Just luck and they were neighboring leaves. I can't believe the crazy storm we are getting of wind/rain/snow (in some areas), after these mild days it feels like Spring should be around the corner. ((Ohh and very lovely lemons, well done for growing in our cold area. A pretty pic like that makes me want to make lemon squares))

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    thanks mike. i don't use systemics so there is always a mealie or two lurking.

    because of very high light levels year round here in the high desert my plants never go dormant-well, some do in the summer. what i'm leading up to is that between low temps and low light levels your cactus are probably fine for another month or so-i would water when daytime temps go consistently above 60.

    eta-have watered my cactus twice in the past 4 mos.