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Is it not ok to have a 2nd different wood floor vs the rest of house?

7 years ago
Currently main level living we have hardwood floors in all bedrooms, hallway, living room and dining room the same. We are redoing our kitchen which now has a crappy old linoleum white type flooring. I keep trying to figure out what flooring to put in there, but can’t seem to find good examples of what I think will work. Our kitchen is going to have white cabinets and a white toned quartz.

I want to try my hand at installing lvp in the kitchen, because of cost and durability of the product. Looking for a tile look lvp I can’t seem to find anything that actually looks good imo. So I’ve been leaning towards a wood print. I’ve thrown around that I like a lvp that has a very similar color as the current hardwoods in the home, or a lvp that is similar in color but slightly darker or a kinda mis- mash of light to dark in a lvp but still matching some of the tones in the hardwoods.

I would ultimately love to see if someone has any examples of having one wood floor to another in the kitchen. And or am I just going about it all wrong? Currently arguing because my husband wants a dark grey wood floor lvt that has no similar tones to our hardwoods, but it’s so dark “it would contrast” .... Help!!

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