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Keep or replace kitchen floor

7 years ago

We are moving into a house that has tile floor everywhere. We will replace it with wood in most of the home, but my GC thinks that I should keep the stone floor as is - in the kitchen. Saving $$$$. And it would save money, but I think the floor looks dated... It looks good with the current wood cabinets which are 15 years old...but I am putting in white cabinets and stainless counters. I am concerned about putting the wood floor that is everywhere in here also... as I fear leaks or spills... and I would put vinyl, but people scream that vinyl is not acceptable with all the other high end finishes.... can I put engineered wood, next to hardwood and make that work? Do I go with a different stone floor....or leave this....and I could stain the grout gray.....Also... my friends are mixed on stone floors. Some hate grout - gets dirty hard to keep clean, stone is hard on your back... some love stone... cool to the touch and timeless. I need to make a decision soon. HELP. Current floor below and sketched into houzz photo

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