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Have many different plants

Cuttings and some seed...

Everglades tomato, star fruit, Eugenia dombeyi ( Brazilian cherry), dragon fruit, Surinam cherry, miracle fruit, pink guava,

selenicereusgrandiflorus, epiphylum oxypetalum, pink brugmansia, purple queen plant, yellow allamanda, hibiscus 'creole lady' , a very fully double deep orange hibiscus,

longevity spinach, chaya spinach, Malabar spinach, chayote, rose indigo tomato,

sweetalmond ( intensely fragrant flowering shrub, not a fruiting almond), Brazilian red cloak flower, Bolivian sunflower (flowers smell like honey), lady Jane passiflora, passiflora caerulera , deep pink plumeria, yellow plumeria, star Jasmine, Downy Jasmine, sambac Jasmine

cape honeysuckle, blue plumbago, blue sky flower ( vine) Russelia equisetiformis, red powder puff, blue clitoria vine, crown of thorns, porterweed, everblooming hydrangea, bleeding heart vine, white Mexican petunia, Alternanthera dentata ' purple night'.

I'm looking for unique plants I don't already have that would grow well outdoors here in zone 10 Florida.

I like fragrant orchids , and fragrance in general. Also would love to try reblooming bearded Iris. I know the once blooming varieties require considerable winter chill and so they just won't bloom here.

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