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C daylilies 2018

Had an eye-rolling kind of a day yesterday, explains my quote of the day: "I just rescued some wine, it was trapped in a bottle!"

My only species daylily.

Has had two full season here. A true pink and has done well so far.
Three full seasons here, has done ok. Like a lot of my daylilies, not grown in ideal conditions.
A true beauty, will always have this one in the garden.
Love this one, found it at my favorite local nursery.
Color fast red, just not a favorite.
A simple daylily, has done well here, bad weather doesn't bother it.
Chorus Line is growing in my front yard in a bed close to the sidewalk.

After spending a few days going through photos from this past season and looking at photos from previous years it proved to me what a bad growing season we had in 2017. Pictures from previous years were so much better. Hopefully this coming season will be a great one for everybody. I have quite a few new ones to look forward to seeing.


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