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Unfinished Vs Waypoint Vs Ikea Small budget help please?

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

After several years of begging and waiting to have the kitchen redone, it *finally* is going to start. My husband is not keen on the idea of spending money on cabinets; he's pretty positive it's going to cost thousands and thousands if we do any other cabinets than the unfinished ones from Menards. I know there are different levels of cabinetry, and I wondered what we could get that is still a good cabinet, without costing "thousands and thousands".

I don't want the kitchen to look like we just cheaped out, and that's what I'm afraid is going to happen if we go the unfinished route. I did visit a cabinet place that sells three different "grades" I guess you could call it. The least expensive is Waypoint, so that's the one I asked about, and he gave me a catalog to take home. I've also looked on Ikea, played w/the planner, even tho I'm not sure the ones I "priced" out the best I could are exactly what I'm looking for. (hard to tell online the color)

My Ikea guesstimate ended at $4417 with shipping. (that includes a sink) And granted, I don't know if the cabinets I chose to put in the space are what we'd end up with, (I added some w/glass doors and they cost more, that sort of thing) but I figure it gives me a pretty good idea what it would cost so I have something to compare to with Waypoint and the unfinished.

I have a rough sketch of the current layout w/measurements to take to the Waypoint cabinet guy, who said he could give me an estimate from that. (the current layout has some stupid elements to it, so will be changed (very) slightly.

That leaves me w/the unfinished option. If you *had* to go that route, which ones would you use? Menards, Home Depot and Lowes are what we have local. My mom told me that Menards (she's not sure of the other two places) now has other types of the unfinished ones, not just oak. So I don't know if that makes a difference? My concern w/those, other than would they look like we're super cheap and that awful hollow sound they make when they close, is finding a non yellowing top coat and a stain that I like.

The kitchen layout is weird but I can add my drawing and measurements if that helps?

Thanks so much for any insight you can give. I need to have something to work w/so I can keep the process moving or I'll be spinning my wheels for the next 10 years hearing "yep, we'll start the kitchen soon".

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