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What are you missing in your bathroom ?

7 years ago

In this world of increasing connectivity, technology and gadgets still basic needs are not fulfilled. What would be nice to have in the bathroom?

Comments (50)

  • 7 years ago

    Well said Jan. I agree 100%. If you can't do without wifi or your phone for 15 minutes you are doing something wrong.

    OP, in the photo you posted you show a vanity outside the bathroom...a typical 1980's setup. Is that on it's way back? If so, no thank you. Too much open concept for me (bath inside the bedroom with no walls to divide).

    User thanked Denita
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  • 7 years ago

    Agree with Jan's comments.

  • 7 years ago

    Absolutely nothing techy in my bathroom. Years before cell phones in our last house my husband put a freak-en phone jack and phone in the bathroom. I left the phone there for a couple months then threw it away.

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Oh! Just one?! The magic mirror that erases fifteen years from your face and ten lbs from your body.! I'llpay for that...... I bet I have company

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    A traditional sauna, steam room or infrared cabin for sure. Residential wellness spaces are a must do for centuries in Europe, not so much in United States.

    User thanked Alpha Wellness Sensations
  • 7 years ago
    Not so high tech but - more outlet management solutions - hidden outlets and built-in, plug-in storage for electrical devices - razors, hair dryer, toothbrushes, mirrors etc. would love to have a built-in solutions for a Waterpik. Or cordless everything!
    User thanked Renee
  • 7 years ago

    Hi Jan Moyer, interesting feedback! About the 10 years and 10lb eraser.....I BUY IT! Meanwhile, we can comfort with spanish fashion designer's Adolfo Dominguez that said that "la arruga es bella" which could be translated as "facial wrinckles are beautiful". I also like to relax and don't miss any tech in there. But stats say that more than 75% of the people use phones in the bathroom. Also gadgets like waterresistant bluetooth speakers, mirror defogers, mirrors with USB to charge phones, etc are sold very well. I think, in fact that technology is no need actually, but the fact of being informed, listen to music, etc.

    Denita, no I don't think the open concept is coming back. It has no sense to me either. I just re-used an old photo we have on our website. Wrong choice. :)

    Renee, that's a very interesting issue about the cordless-everything. Safety and organization are key in this place.

    Timothy, very nice lightsculptures concept.

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    My wife wants to add something like this to our next house and I'm hoping it will more affordable by then lol.

  • 7 years ago

    My neighbor's house, built in the 70's, has a basement sauna. When they moved in, in the 80's, they used it for a month and never again, after they saw how much energy it used. $$$$

  • 7 years ago

    I have used similar ones in several places in Asia. It's really awesome. It minimizes the use of paper, but of course it has an electrical consume. All big brands are developping versions for Europe and America as now it's mostly popular in Asia.

  • 7 years ago

    Water-safe TV or tablet set up for watching a movie or something in the bath.

  • 7 years ago

    ugh, I don't want anything but relaxation in the bath. maybe a magazine, maybe just sink below the waves...

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    A wine dispenser?

  • 7 years ago

    A custom made ofuro. If someone has a spare $8k...

  • 7 years ago

    If I ever redo my bathroom floor, I WILL add floor tile floor has been like ice the past week.

    I also want to add a warming lamp for use in winter.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    WHY OH WHY on the 75 freaking percent(!!!!) of people who use their phones in the bathroom!!! Don't talk to me while you're on the loo. STOP IT!

    So...I suggest minimal in the bathroom (exception for the wine dispenser which is, frankly, brilliant and would totally want next to my jetted tub).

    Please. Keep it's one of the few remaining places I can go for some peace...

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    In this world of increasing connectivity, technology and gadgets still basic needs are not fulfilled. What would be nice to have in the bathroom?

    I have high expectations for my bathroom in our new build:

    - Standard sized tub but deep ... no bells and whistles ... nice window and good lighting for reading in the tub ... TV viewable from the tub

    - Large shower with shower curtain instead of glass doors ... Turbo body dryer (for aging in place) ... moveable stool /enough space for a hospital bathing chair

    - Towel bars located above the heat vents

    - Single sink vanity with large mirror and ample storage ... and one large mirror

    - Small linen closet with space for hamper and storage for bathroom items

    - Toilet with Toto washlet (or similar brand)

    - Good lighting throughout and an outlet set up high for a set of Christmas lights /nightlights

    - Grab bars throughout the bathroom

    - Everything arranged so it's easy to clean

    a typical 1980's setup. Is that on it's way back?

    I wouldn't pay any attention to what was trendy in the past; it'll all come and go -- build what'll function well.

    My God, It;s the last possible "peace zone" on the planet.

    Yeah, no interest in being "connected" in the bathroom.

    A traditional sauna, steam room or infrared cabin for sure. Residential wellness spaces are a must do for centuries in Europe, not so much in United States.

    I couldn't care less how they bathe in Europe.

  • 7 years ago

    Gotta love the term "Residential wellness spaces", though...

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    The Europeans I know don't even have clothes dryers, since the cost of energy is so high. Much less energy-guzzling residential wellness spaces. Since the people I know live in big cities (London, Barcelona, Dublin, Vienna) they hang everything indoors to dry. Not that I'm saying that's so terrible.

  • 7 years ago

    - Double sinks with a make up vanity.

    - Extra large shower with a bench and barrier free entrance.

    - Grab bars.

    - Extra wide doorways and walking space.

    - Linen closet in the bathroom.

    And finally, the ability to go to the bathroom with out my kids, husband, dog, cat or grand kids having to have a conversation and be in the room with me while I am in the bathroom!!!!

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Got a lock hon? An easy fix. Lock the door, hang do not disturb sign. lol If someone bangs.....tell em to cal 911. Just about anything but fire or a heart attack can wait thirty minutes

  • 7 years ago

    Jan, they get in before I can get in the bathroom!! By the time I am in there, the cat and dog are waiting for me! And here comes everyone else. The disadvantages of a big bathroom! I am joking, but am half serious. It seems like I can be on the computer for an hour and no one cares. As soon as I go pee, here they all come!!!

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I repeat............" Get OUT please" Then CLICK! and these words: " Or the next time you want five minutes alone, anywhere, any time, I shall be RIGHT BEHIND YOU"

    Meaning a "doormat" is not necessarily a welcome mat lol You can even get those that state "Go Away" Purge the people. :)

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Omg Kathi and Jan, my kids and husband will stand outside that door talking to me come hell or high water. The only way to stop it other than a banshee screech is to sweetly tell them that the longer they stand there trying to talk to me, the longer I will stay in there. And since I do take my phone to the bathroom with me (out of self-defense, as the toddler can and does make calls without assistance) they know I can happily sit in there for an hour playing Houzz!

    Sometimes I don't mind company, and letting the little ones in while I'm doing my business makes potty training 1000x easier. And sometimes I want privacy and they can learn that too.

  • 7 years ago

    The Numi has a heated toilet seat and foot warmer?!?!?! Are our societal elite that soft? (Only the wealthy can afford $6K for a toilet.) It's not like people have to go to the outhouse when it's -20F. Or is it a matter of having the money so it has to be spent on something? If Roman history is any indication, the collapse of the empire isn't far off.

  • 7 years ago

    I got my SO a TOTO Washlet for Xmas (he grew up in Europe and really really missed having a bidet) and I have to admit the warmed seat is pretty nice in the super cold temps we’re having. If it had a foot warmer also there might be fights over who got to sit there all day. :D (I didn’t buy it for the warmed seat, though, that was just a feature that came with the features I did want.)

    And I want to be clear that although I want a TV or tablet in the bathroom, it’d be purely for watching something relaxing during a bath, no news or stressful stuff.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I often bring my laptop into the bathroom to watch a show while I have my bath!

  • 7 years ago

    Really, a laptop? Are you on the toilet or in the tub? I can't sit in a tub of dirty water! Is the tub more comfortable than a chair?

    I don't have a TV in the bedroom either!

  • 7 years ago

    Sorry, autofill thwarted me. I tried to type "while I'm in my *bath*"!

    There are bath people and anti-bath people. I'm a definitely a bath person!

  • 7 years ago

    I either shower before a bath (if I’m putting moisturizing oils in that I don’t want to wash off) or I shower after (to get clean properly and rinse off bath product residue.) Either way, I don’t count the soaking in the bath part as getting clean. It’s for relaxing.

  • 7 years ago

    A timer on the shower to conserve water usage. A low-flush toilet that actually works. An attractive receptacle for plugging in electric toothbrushes. Lighting with adjustable lumens surrounding the vanity mirror -- I have a small plug-in mirror with different settings for lighting.

  • 7 years ago

    thanks for your feedback. I try to gather your ideas:

    1) Bathroom is "my last refuge". Keep connectivity far away from this place.

    2) Just those aspects of technology that can improve the relaxing experience could fit

    3) Functional aspects of technology like toilet washlet and heating (toilet, floor, mirror, ...) are very welcome but expensive

    4) Wireless charging technologies to improve organization of shavers, toothbrushes, hairdriers and other electric devices

    5) and of course a good and adjustable light

    I will open a question about light in the bathroom. Will be pleased to receive again your feedback. I am product developper for a company that designs mirrors and luminaires for the bathroom, so I will take in account your comments.


  • 7 years ago

    Currently I am missing, a countertop, sink, faucet, baseboards, shower door, TP holder, shower hardware, a floor register I forgot to cut out which is under tile and cement board. . .

  • 7 years ago

    We have a Kohler medicine cabinet with integrated lighting in the mirror and I love it. The light is very flattering. There's a motion sensor light inside that lights up when you open the cabinet. It also has power strips for the razor and electric toothbrush to sit and charge, and magnetic strips to hold tweezers and eyebrow scissors.

    The vanity has a power strip inside for my hair dryer.

    Used to have a Toto washlet in our last place (which had a freezing cold bathroom, so the heated seat was quite nice), plan to get one again for the new place (which has a warm bathroom but I miss the other features).

    Otherwise, my wish list would be some sort of robot that can keep the shower clean. We already have an iRobot Brava to mop the floor. What about some sort of (small) robot that can be turned on after your shower to quietly run up and down the shower stall and across the floor? It could be similar to the Brava (use microfiber cloths) but it'd have to be able to climb walls.

    A toilet cleaning bot might be nice too. Maybe it could somehow just live in the toilet and come out after each flush.....

    Speaking of heated floors, what about a heated bathtub? That way the water would stay hot. Or a shower that announces it has reached a certain temperature.

    I've been to many hotels that have those t.v.s behind the mirror in the bathroom. I don't like noise so I have only turned it on for a few minutes.

    I don't take my iPhone into the bathroom. That's gross. Also, I know more than a few people who dropped theirs in the toilet.

    How about something that reminds me if I forget to take my daily medicine/vitamins? Not an alarm, maybe just a light that goes on and doesn't go off until I take it.

    Instead of a sink dispensing wine, I'd love a sink that dispensed hot coffee.

    User thanked Jennifer Dube
  • 7 years ago

    Oh, yes. A digital shower with memory settings so I don’t have to fuss getting the temperature right each time. Drives me nuts.

  • 7 years ago
    PirateFoxy, they are called thermostatic valves and are available from most manufacturers. You just set your preferred temperature and the valve maintains it within a degree or two even with other water running elsewhere in the house (like the dreaded toilet flush).
  • 7 years ago

    I have created 2 more Discussions about the following topics:

    Your feedback will be very welcome!

  • 7 years ago

    The cat always supervised when I went into the bathroom, maaaaaaang-ing at me in that Siamese way if the door was ever closed to her. The dog learned it from the cat but at least there’s no bloody Siamese mannngggggging from the dog.

    The mister is much better trained to leave me alone for bathroom usage of all variety - including when I’m hiding out in there for the peace and quiet. ;)

  • 7 years ago

    @edenchild - I share the bathroom so I want one where there’s a memory too, so each person can have one or two presets (shower vs sore-muscles-hot-bath maybe?) and they just have to select what they want. It’s excessive but this is a post about tech in the bathroom, so why not? :D

  • 7 years ago

    I have something called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, to sum it up I can start throwing up at any moment, without warning, and continue throwing up for a week. The only thing that gives me any relief is a scalding hot shower. I lay lifeless on the floor of the tub for 7days and let the water beat on my stomach. While I'm in there I am almost nausea free, can hold conversation, can hold down medication and some fluids, so when I have an episode I spend 20 hrs a day in the shower.

    While I'm in there I daydream about having a more comfortable set up....

    1. Some type of removable padding that will let the water drain but make me more comfortable.

    2. Never ending supply of hot water ( I think they have something close now. Instead of a tank that holds pre warmed water, the water runs through something that heats it quickly)

    3. Super fans- the water is so hot and I'm in there for so long the ceiling literally starts raining. Can't be good in terms of mold...

    4. A shower head that slides up and down the wall so it's closer to me on the floor. The water loses a lot of hest on the 6 foot fall to the floor, I could keep the temp lower if the source was closer to me.

    5. A toilet seat that turns into a comfortable lounger so ppl wouldn't mind sitting in there with me

    6. Media screen built into the wall for something to distract me

    A girl can dream!!!!

    User thanked Chrissy- zone6B/7A
  • 7 years ago

    Chrissy, that sounds absolutely terrible, the only thing almost as bad that I can think of is what your water bill must be like!

    ...raining from the ceiling, might be a good idea to put something up there that will be better than ending up with the rain also containing chunks of rotting wood and moisture compromised drywall.

  • 7 years ago

    Luckily I live in the middle of nowhere and we have well water which means nice clean fresh water and no water bill. (But also means having to maintain and sometimes access and repair the well pump. Ugh, that's a nightmare) When you say "put something up there" do you mean put something up when I'm having an episode and spending all that time in there, or put something permanent up that could do the trick?

  • 7 years ago

    Something permanent - given the circumstances, temperature, and duration the drywall up there isn’t going to handle all that moisture without bigger problems than mold developing sooner, not later. Our previous home never had an exhaust fan in the bathroom and with the shower durations even with the window all the way open no matter what time of year we had to bring in portable fans to run during and hours afterward to keep more substantial issues at bay in that low drywall ceiling (7ft tops?) bathroom, never ever closing that bathroom door when taking a shower. And I was only spending 20-30 minutes to wash, shampoo, condition, shave then rinse (long hair takes more time to deal with) and the mister gets in and out after just 10 minutes. Can’t imagine what it would have been like if we were in there much much longer!

    Well water is so harsh too! We’re thinking of doing a water softener system in our present home, not totally sure yet though.

  • 7 years ago

    Funny enough I've never even considered that before. Most likely bc I lived with my parents until April and if it's not your house, not your money, not your problem, haha. Very good idea, thank you!

    Like your previous home, this place doesn't have an exhaust either. It's terrible and I can only imagine how much faster a home will rot out without that circulation. Did you ever look into having a real one installed? Im sure it's possible, just incredibly expensive, right?

    This bathroom is so ugly I could puke just thinking about it. Plastic, pastel pink tiles (80s/90s style) from floor to ceiling. Popping off one by one. If there is a room that should be remodeled first, that's the one!

  • 7 years ago

    We did look into it, but in a gated HOA and the matter of cutting a hole right smack in the middle of the attic storage space above the bathroom that would not only need a specified roofing company but render the storage unusable for anything but small narrow things that could be maneuvered around the exhaust fan stuff...yeah, ridiculously expensive and not sure why the developer never considered just putting fans in when the place was being built back in 1977 and completed 1978.

    The bath vanity where the sink was and the counter top on the cabinets below the bathroom window was this weird brown abstract pattern laminate, I had a cast iron tub put in with a tile surround and frameless glass slide doors after the fiberglass monobody shower and tub side wall had been previously patched and was cracking, the guy hired for putting up the tile nearly sealed my cat inside the wall but after discovering her in there and removing the drywall scraps of which none were attached to studs the cat was saved and the drywall was done correctly...the previous owner had the wax ring on the toilet crack and before I had the ceilings scraped of popcorn to smooth texture you could see where the toilet fell through the floor if you looked up at the ceiling in the front hall...the 70s were not the best time frame if one is looking for developers and builders making wise decisions in home building. :p

  • 7 years ago

    Alberto, your links above don't work for me...

  • 7 years ago

    Hahahaha Jenn, you're killing me! The cat in the wall and the toilet falling through the ceiling are just too much!

    Built and 78 and no exhaust? That just blew my mind.This place was built in the 30s so at least it has an excuse. Ive never used one but I love the look of a cast iron tub. That sounds gorgeous.

    I wish money was no option and I could design my own bathrooms... One day!!! I would want a regular tub/shower for my episodes but on the daily I would love a stone wall, glass door, waterfall or rainfall shower. The spa I used to work at had something similar and you don't realize how much more enjoyable your bathroom time can be with a little atmosphere and ambiance. I never liked an open shower, tho. It looks sweet but it gets so cold and drafty.

  • 7 years ago

    I might be too old......check out Houzz statistics 2017 for Millenials (25-34), 64% of this population uses Mobile devices frequently in the bathroom.