Wonder Why You Love Beige?
7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
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And we wonder why?
Comments (26)Melanie, Do you want to continue to buy from this vender? Do they, for esample, have roses you like which are available no where else? Or, are their roses bigger and healthier than anywhere else? If so, you might want to contact a manager or supervisor about your experience. It soulds likely to me that the customer service (sic) person might have been trying to save him or herself effort by simply giving a no we don't do that answer, of which the translation might be something like, My boss might approve this, but then I would have to track him or her down, and then get into the computer and change your ship date, and then the shipping guys are going to be on my case about having to move your roses from shelf A to shelf B, and if there is any kind of mixup it is going to get blamed on me so if I just say no, so what, big deal. You might have immediately asked to speak to a supervisor during your initial conversation, sometimes that can get cooperation which might otherwise not be forthcoming. Me, I likely would not buy from them again. I take the view that especially in times of high employemnt, there is no excuse for tolerating poor service and disdainful attitudes. The person might have at least asked the supervisor whether, for a long time customer, the $15 charge could not be waived. If I were the phone person, I would have taken it on myself to waive the charge and been dismissed probably, but then I never did have much respect for tin hat authority....See MoreIf You've Ever Wondered...Why did my hibiscus change color......
Comments (9)Rosco_P, First, I love the name you used! Second, you are welcome. I really enjoyed taking the class it did help explain much to me as well regarding coloration of plants. And now I can pass on what I have learned....See MoreHave you ever wondered why violet fragrance is so 'elusive'?
Comments (13)First of all, permit me to correct something I said in the prior post. The chemical in question there is known in English usually as ionone; the spelling ionon is used, but much less frequently. Second, I Googled the word Jonon and restricted the results to German language results; there were only 525 results. But when I Googled ionon and restricted the results to German language results, there were 10,700 results. Then I did the same for ionone and there were 13,200 results. Evidently, German usage is roughly divided between ionon and ionone. The comments about the use of capital J to avoid confusion with lower case l still stand, although this is not a change in spelling as we understand it but rather simply a position specific change to avoid the potential confusion mentioned. Now on to some violet things. Joanmary mentioned two things in her most recent post which I want to follow up on. Because I'm new to this forum, I hope members of long standing will forgive me for bringing up topics which may have been discussed in the past. One concerns joanmary's qurey: "A Question: if they are cross fertilized, do they hybridize?" My understanding is that Parma violets cannot be raised from seed. Is this true? For instance, do Parma violets form apomictic seed, seed which would give progeny exactly like the parent? Other sweet violets can be raised from seed and hybridized. The second thing which interests me is this question of violet culture in warm climates. I've seen speculation that what we know as Parma violets may have originated in the mid-East, and that they were cultivated in Arabia long ago. One would think that if they grew in Arabia, they would grow in Florida, certainly northern Florida! I'm curious to hear what the more experienced members of the group have to say about these things....See MoreDid You Ever Wonder Why Their Butts....
Comments (27)If you go out digging in your yard, in late spring you will likely find "glowworms". These are the larvae of fireflies and have a glow on their tail ends too. Do any of you remember the song from back in the '50's . It was made famous then done by the Mills Brothers, but I think the song was written much earlier than that. The Glow-worm Song Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer. Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer. Lead us lest too far we wander. Love's sweet voice is calling yonder. Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer. Hey, there don't get dimmer, dimmer. Light the path below, above. And lead us on to love! Glow little glow-worm, fly of fire. Glow like an incandescent wire. Glow for the female of the species. Turn on the AC and the DC. This night could use a little brightnin'. Light up you little ol' bug of lightnin'. When you gotta glow, you gotta glow. Glow little glow-worm, glow. Glow little glow-worm, glow and glimmer. Swim through the sea of night, little swimmer. Thou aeronautical boll weevil. Illuminate yon woods primeval. See how the shadows deepen, darken. You and your chick should get to sparkin'. I got a gal that I love so. Glow little glow-worm, glow. Glow little glow-worm, turn the key on. You are equipped with taillight neon. You got a cute vest-pocket mazda. Which you can make both slow and faster. I don't know who you took a shine to. Or who you're out to make a sign to. I got a gal that I love so. Glow little glow-worm, glow....See MoreRelated Professionals
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