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Help identifying a wall color (I know the chances are slim, but...)

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I completely fell in love with two wall colors I saw at a local open house... I asked the real estate agent to follow up with me on the color names, but no luck so far. I really want to identify these colors, but the only thing I have are some pictures.

One of them is a cooler grey, almost white - used in the kitchen and family room of the house:

Another view of it here:

And, here is the other color (a more green-ish grey, used in the dining and living room):

And another view of this room:

I have no idea where to start with the first (off-white, cool grey) color. Could the second one (green-ish gray) be BM Edgecomb Gray?

I realize that colors change completely in a different light, and we only see them through a camera lens here, so I know the chances of getting them right are fairly slim... but I still want to try! Please give me your best shot!

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