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My first ever Echeveria seeds germinated!

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Have to admit, I sow them just for the fun of it and did not expect much from them. They are from my Echeveria colorata f. brandtii which flowered in Oct, and I collected the seeds about two weeks ago and sow them immediately. Not expecting them to germinate since I have a bad record of germinating any seeds! When it was in flower, quite a few of my other Echies were in flower too, including a couple of E. pulidonis hybrids, some grapto/pachy hybrids, E. elegans, so anything can happen with these seedlings, just hope they survive!

The photos are not very clear, but the germinated seedlings are mostly on the upper left corner of the pot.

These were the flowers in Oct, did not take any photos of the seed pods!

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