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How to arrange rugs in this room?

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

This is the great room. Most of the time it’s just my husband and myself. The room is 21’ x 18’ but if you don’t count the walking path to the bat and master then it’s 21’x15’.

We are huge movie watchers and this is the main room we will use nightly to watch movies and such. Although we have weekend guests on occasion.

Furniture is all my current stuff that we really like.

The tv has to be on the wall shown, can’t rewire at this point.

I can’t figure out if I should just do one rug, or multiples.

I can afford to do a huge sea grass rug, and then maybe a colorful rug in front of bar. I just don’t know!

With just an 8x11 under the main seating.

Or 10x14 under main and fireplace seating, runner in front of bar.

In my current house I have a large sea grass for budgetary reasons, and then did a smaller 5x8 under the sofa and coffee table to add some color and pattern in a way I could afford. Plus the dogs like the smaller patterned rug for comfort. Should I just do this again?
