Where have all the birds gone?
7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
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where have they gone...where have they gone
Comments (6)Michael you are still good for a laugh ... as I look at the gothic roll call intro from a monty python slant ... "bring out the dead" would be my chant as I make my rounds with my wagon and my bell clanging ... they will not come back ... and besides the new are vibrant and exciting group thirsting for knowledge and shared experiences .. the valued and noble others have gone on to origami....See MoreWhere have all the Boston burb bunnies gone?
Comments (8)I wouldn't base anything on the rabbits around my property they are strange ones for sure-last night a friend of mone came over (he hunts) and about 10ft away a rabbit was taking a nice little bath in a sand hole- then another one came out and starting eating some grass right next to his dump truck trailer (which was running and kinda noisy) which was also right near us. he said he can never get this close to them when he is hunting- they usually just take off. hell, I have to shoo them away sometime when I am weed trimming with my gas trimmer. Thats okay I also have a Robin bird that follows me around whenever I water my shrubs and stuff. thetman...See MoreWhere have the birds gone?
Comments (18)Same here about the mockingbirds. For years I've had a pair that guarded the front yard, nested in the Youpon holly tree outside of the dining room window, and feasted on its berries all winter. I think feral cats in the neighborhood have killed them off. My next door neighbors feel sorry for them and feed them. I've seen mockingbird feathers in and round the birdbath in the front yard more than once so I stopped filling it. Now coyotes have been seen coming into the neighborhood streets at night apparently on the hunt for cats. The coyotes have become very bold and follow people who are walking their dogs on leash near the woods. Also people on our neighborhood Facebook page report that owls are taking cats. Plus I see and hear far fewer squirrels. Oh well. Things change. We just do the best we can to manage the wildlife visiting our gardens....See MoreWhere have all the noodles gone?
Comments (102)caflowerluver, I haven't looked lately for noodles - or pasta - but I learned to make egg noodles by hand when a small child and can whip up a batch pretty quick, so a darth of those wouldn't present a problem for me. In Omaha, Nebraska, in the 50s, we had: noodles; spaghetti; macaroni (for salads); potatoes; and rice; that was it ! I remember a recipe that called for Acini de Pepe when living in Wisconsin in the 70s. I had to hunt for such a pasta in more than a few stores to find it. (Such a wild thing. ) Probably had to go to Old Italy in Milwaukee to find it. My German/American Mother occasionally made potato dumplings that were heavenly tasting and shapped like a long, skinny, breakfast sausage. Never did learn to make those because she always made those when alone. My DD lived in Berwyn - suburb of Chicago - in the 90's . The Italian/American neighbors always called what they put on their pasta "gravy"....See More- 7 years ago
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