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Non White Kitchens

7 years ago
What color would you paint shaker cabinets other than white or grey?

We're sort of renovating our home. We bought it last year and nothing had been updated since the home was built in 1970 (three colors of shag carpet, wood paneling, yellow vinyl counter tops and all).
We had to tear all of the kitchen cabinets out too, since they were outdated and one was missing, and there was no space for a fridge.

So, anyways. We've installed custom cabinets, a very simple and basic shaker style. And now we need paint.
I don't want a white kitchen (because the walls will be white, and likely the backsplash too). I don't want grey, because I don't love grey (unless mayyyyybe a warm greige, but if so I need specific color recommendations).

What color would you want a non white, non grey, not stained kitchen? We're moving within the next six or so months, so it also needs to be an appealing to the masses sort of thing.

Pictured are two current front runners. But I'm also considering sage greens, blue-ish/greyish/sage greens, navy, or a sort of grey-ish army green.

Any color recommendations? Bonus points if they're Sherwin Williams. (It's what's easiest to get here and they also have a good post-Harvey sale).
An idea that you've mentioned in the comments.

Comments (34)

  • 7 years ago
    White cabinets. Walls don't have to be white and are easier to change for the next buyer.
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    Where are all the non-white kitchens?


    Comments (85)
    redlover, I was an absolutely painted cab crazy woman. Beaded inset, of course. Then I refinished these wonderful, Quakermaid antique cabinets. Looooooveeeeee the oak's grain I graywashed and stained. Then I found some quartersawn oak cabinets. All I knew at the time was oak. Couldn't get them to work with stain or graywashing or sanding. I discovered the grain is so much tighter in quartersawn oak I'm thinking of giving these away! Then I found some old, 1960s cherry cabinets. Now I can't figure out how to cover any of them with paint, so this painted cabinet woman has become someone who pets and croons to her beautifully grained and restored, non-white cabinets. Oh - my point? I don't care for the quartersawn oak because I can't get it to coordinate (not match) the other stuff I have. Anyone in the market for some uppers? :)
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    non-white cabinet reveal pics wanted


    Comments (5)
    I am not sure there is any kind of kitchen that is completely "timeless" I think a white kitchen comes close, looking at pictures of kitchens in the past, inset white seems to be a classic look, glass uppers, etc. which are still popular today. But a white kitchen is not for everyone, some of us love a wood kitchen, right now dark wood seems to be "in", whereas a few years ago, the natural maple was the trend. You cannot predict what and when your kitchen will be "dated" so you should get what you love, both white and stained wood are classic, you can't go wrong with either.
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    Show me NON white kitchen!


    Comments (9)
    In our area (suburban NY), every new build kitchen is white, as are most remodels these days. They are popular, and some are pretty and some are not. Some are cutter and some are not. Just like there are nice and ugly, cookie cutter and unique, stained wood kitchens. I have green painted cabinets and no one I know has them. I'm sure some people like them and some don't. If you are happy with your new kitchen, don't worry about whether you are in the "in crowd." It's a waste of precious time.
    ...See More

    thoughts on non-white kitchen cabinets


    Comments (28)
    White is a color. Not a trend, not a classic. Don't believe me? Here are four white kitchens -- two are "outdated" and two are "trendy". Not too many years ago that first kitchen was the height of fashion -- in a decade or two, the two kitchens on the right will appear just as "dated" as that first kitchen does. Today's trend is not white; rather, today's trend is the combination of white inset shaker cabinets paired with white countertops and plain subway backsplashes. It's not the color white that'll look "outdated" in the future -- it's the details /the combination of today's trendy details. So go with white, or go with stained wood -- but avoid choosing "today's package", today's trend. Choose your own details, put in something that makes it your own.
    ...See More
  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Your blue paint colors IMO are a bit too blue. Select a blue that is more neutral.

  • 7 years ago

    To me matters what flooring will be, and what area you live in.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    white will appeal to more people. not everyone, but more. they can pair it with any color they like. once you choose grey or blue, they have fewer options.

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I deleted my comment about blues and greens because I didn't see the part that you were moving in 6 months. paint it white. and don't do a plain white backsplash, and you don't have to paint the walls white! people can easily change paint colors on the walls, not the cabinets. most buyers would like white cabs. do that, put up a nice pale color backsplash (depending on what countertop you choose) and a nice neutral on the wall (Balboa Mist or Pale oak looks great w/wood floors)

    if you have an island, do that in a contrasting color like gray or navy

  • 7 years ago

    I hate to tell you to get something you've said you don't like, but 6 months is really too short a time to put your wants ahead of what will help sell your house. Unfortunately.

    In choosing colors for a quick sale at a good price, I would be looking at conventional choices, or on-trend choices. Which means stained, white, ivory, off-white, or gray right now. A greige would probably not hurt your prospects, but blues and greens are pretty taste-specific. You could look at something like SW Irish Cream or Softer Tan (recommendations that I make based entirely on how they look on my monitor).

    From a buyer's perspective, it is easier to change the color of the wall than the cabinets, so if the main reason you don't want white cabs is because you want white walls, I'd look to change the wall color before letting that drive the cabinet choice.

  • 7 years ago

    Agree with white cabinets, sorry. But since you'll be selling...sound advice. I would use a subway tile backsplash, you can use white with white grout or white with a neutral grout. Subway tiles are classic and never go out of style. They come in so many sizes, and colors, they have beautiful glass, stone and hand made ones that have color variation and little imperfections that give character, they have bevelled ones as well. What type counter tops? If using granite or quartz, use them for inspiration to pick your backsplash color. Stay away from too busy. Can't go wrong with subway. They can also be installed in numerous patterns to make them more interesting, just do a little research. Most are very affordable as well. Good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    in picture above, hand made subway tiles from Mexico. Pink covering on floor was just paper some work was still in progress.

  • 7 years ago

    I would prefer that the cabinets be sort of khaki.

  • 7 years ago
    I love riverway — I used it in a powder room and it looks great, in a small space with lots of white wainscoting. I think it’s a huge mistake to paint kitchen cabinets in a house you will be selling shortly after remodeling anything but very neutral. White will sell quicker than any of the options you have here. Even if you weren’t selling in 6 months, I would recommend white/off-white.
  • 7 years ago

    You are essentially at the flipping stage for this house. You are preparing it for the next owner. Ask local realtors what sells, and do it. But keep it simple. Your own tastes and preferences don't matter at this point: your buyers' tastes do.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Samantha, what does your kitchen look like now? Can you post a pic or two for us to see?

    I agree that when you are within 6 months of selling you want to have a kitchen that will attract the buyer pool interested in your neighborhood. Your Realtor can give you an idea of what kitchen colors enhance a sale. There are other neutral colors besides white and gray. Black for example. A black and white kitchen can be stunning and attract the market too. But understand that you are eliminating part of your buyer pool with your kitchen color choices - some choices eliminate a small portion of the buyers and other choices eliminate huge swaths of buyers. So be aware of your choice - that is why I said check with your Realtor. An experienced Realtor will know what sells and what doesn't sell in your neighborhood.

    In the meantime, here are a few neutral non (entirely) white kitchens for your perusal. Be careful with blue (or green or red or yellow), it is a color that people love or hate.

    White cabinets are the easiest neutral to work with today - lots of choices to coordinate with them at a reasonable price point. Lots of buyers like white kitchens, and you can bring in other colors through accessories to accent your style in the meantime.

  • 7 years ago

    Both of your suggested colors are much too taste specific & dark. I, for one, would be turned off by either color. Since you’re selling in six months go with the most neutral available, that would be a shade of white.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I agreee with all who say go white. I don't love white kitchens, and I'm big on doing what you love. But you are moving in less than a year, so you really should design with the buyer in mind. And buyers are going to be much less intimidated/turned off by having to change a wall color than a whole bunch of cabinets.

    As I said, I'm not a big lover of white kitchens, but I'd have no problem living in these.

    If you didn't want to go white, this would be a nice/safer alternative.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    You won’t even be finished with the project in 6 months if this is DIY. No time to enjoy anything. This isn’t about you and what you like. It’s about the fantasy life of your buyer.

    And no custom cabinet maker would ever in a million years install unfinished cabinets anywhere. They should have already been finished in a shop clean room with conversion varnish. It’s a total bugs and dust in the finish halfassery to shove that off on you. Strike him off your list for any future project for sure.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    I agree if this is a flip, white is your best bet. If you decide to stay why not paint your cabinets black? will look great with white walls and if done right- stunning!

  • 7 years ago
    I have site finished, beautiful kitchen cabinets made by a talented and knowledgeable pair of craftsmen. I'm sure Sophie is right some large part of the time, but my cabinets are the exception to her rule, and yours may be too.

    I love the two colors you're looking at, but I'm sad to say the advice about white cabinets is true - this kitchen is for selling and should have the broadest appeal possible. But keep those colors and dream on them - one will be fabulous in your kitchen some day!
  • 7 years ago

    Thanks for the replies!

    Some more details and comments.

    I know white would be the most common choice and I know my walls don't have to be white... But the walls are going to be white. Whatever color the kitchen walls are, is also the color the living room and front hall entry would be and I just really want the ease of doing one wall color in the house. Also, I feel like this house needs the light and warmth of white walls.

    ***So, if we do white cabinets how do we do that with white walls? How do you coordinate whites?

    The floors are a medium tone, warm but mostly neutral, wood look tile.
    The counters will be the marbled white quartz.
    I had planned on doing white square tile for the backsplash (and also in the showers). But that's probably too much white?? (Which is why I was hoping a non white would be okay.)
    There's no island. The kitchen is pretty small and is galley style.
    And, while I agree that it would have been easier if this cabinet maker would have painted before he installed... He is one of the best in this area and he does not paint. Our painter also mentioned that he paints a lot of the new builds, meaning they're surely done on site too, so I suspect it's the norm for here. Anyways, it is what it is and I have unpainted (very well done) cabinets installed right now... So, that's what I'm working with.
    Location wise, we're currently in a fairly small town in the south. Also, this area was recently hit by Harvey, which probably works for us, as I'm not sure people will care what color kitchen we have as long as the house is whole. Or maybe they will, and that's what we'll plan for.

    And. Color. I'm not attached to these shades of blue or green, it actually isn't what I'd paint them if we were living here longer, I just thought that a slate blue or similar blue/green was pretty neutral and well liked. ... I see that was wrong haha.

    Oh, and I would love to just stain them, but I didn't even think about that until after we'd had them made... So we had had them done in paint grade (which was silly since they were the same price) and they would look pretty terrible stained.

    Here's a photo. The floors really aren't that dark. Ignore the white block. I hid the dining room because the table is covered in all of the contents of the old cabinets haha. Also, that room is currently pink and that doesn't help any visualization.

    As to why I don't love white, I just don't love it on cabinets. The all white with white walls and counters. And also, I have several pets and between the pets and the renovation there's just lots of dust and this area holds a lot of water so it's muddy here often haha. Obviously I clean, but I just wanted it so that it wouldn't be so obvious to people coming to view the house if I missed a spot. This is also my concern with black. (I really like the black cabinets I've seen, and also navy, but I feel as though they're also very polarizing because they're just SO dark... And also they show everything.)

    I really do appreciate all of the comments!
    I hope no one reads this as defensive, that isn't ever my intention! I really appreciate all the opinions! Thanks everybody!
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Here are a couple of white on white kitchens with warm floors similar to your wood look tile floors. They did warm up the kitchens with (limited) colorful accessories.

  • 7 years ago

    Ask a realtor, but depending on location you might get away with a light gray. I think it is going to go out of style but I think it's still very trendy in many places.

  • 7 years ago

    Six months will fly by in no time. White is the practical thing to do--same white as the walls. But you can put down an oriental/oriental style rug in your galley and pick up color in pots, pottery, etc. The wood counters add color and texture to the kitchen. You're looking at it raw right now, but when it's done, it'll have plenty of warmth.

  • 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago

  • 7 years ago

    Those are pretty but I think they're all love it or hate it pretty - like I don't think I'd care for the yellow one, personally.

  • 7 years ago

    Agree with PirateFoxy, the yellow would be difficult to sell in my market and I'm in S Florida where yellow is used frequently for walls and exteriors - but not cabinets. I don't see an issue with any of the others - but the OP should check with her Realtor in her area to see which colors attract or repel buyers and paint accordingly.

  • 7 years ago

    Buyers will ignore pet hair, new build dust and the odd muddy footprint -- those can all be wiped away. But many won't be able to look beyond a non-neutral cabinet colour. Yes, best to check with an agent.

  • 7 years ago
    ⭐️***Questions at the bottom***⭐️

    Thanks again for the help!

    The company my husband is with has a realtor we'll sell through, so I'll try to see if she'll talk to us Monday.
    I know without a doubt white is the most popular here. I've read/heard before that this area is behind on design trends so I need to take that into consideration. I really wanted to do square tile (just simple, plain, white) in the kitchen and baths but I can recognize that subway is more on trend (and an older trend, so that it's starting to just pop up more here). So, that's probably what I should do there too. Right? And white cabinets, or so I've been told
    Fortunately for us, this company has an awesome deal that if the house doesn't sell in three months, they purchase it. So, I suppose it all doesn't really matter, but of course I'd like it to sell as fast as possible (certainly less than three months plus closing) with as much "profit" as possible. So, I do need to be mindful of what sells best here.

    So, more questions.

    ⭐️We went to look at counters yesterday and due to all of the home remodels happening (Harvey) they had in a larger selection of in stock quartz.
    ⭐️They had a grey Carrara style, a white Carrara style, and a concrete grey traditional quartz.
    ⭐️What would you pick?
    ⭐️I *think* I want the white Carrara in the bathrooms but I'm not sure for the kitchen. Maybe the grey, for some contrast or the white, for the marble look? Is that too much white??
    ⭐️Also. Cabinets and walls. Should they be the same color of white? (This is also applicable for one bathroom, as I've always planned those walls to be white and the vanity to be white.)
    ⭐️Is it okay to have different whites? As of course there's no way to exactly match the paint, counters, back splash, tubs, floors, etc. to all of the same whites?

    Guys (and girls), this is going to be my house!
    (I'm just kidding, it'll have more fur. )
  • 7 years ago

    I really wanted to do square tile (just simple, plain, white) in the kitchen and baths but I can recognize that subway is more on trend (and an older trend, so that it's starting to just pop up more here). So, that's probably what I should do there too. Right? And white cabinets, or so I've been told

    If the only choices for the BS are square or subway, definitely subway. However, there are a myriad of tile choices to pick from. ;)

    Yes, white cabs is the way to go! (good for you) ;)

    They had a grey Carrara style, a white Carrara style, and a concrete grey traditional quartz.
    ⭐️What would you pick?

    If you picked the white Carrara , below is basically what your kitchen would look like. What do you think? Personally, I wouldn't do it, it looks like an operating room to me. I'd be inclined to go with something else. Your other choices mentioned are gray. Those in the know say gray is on its way out, so not sure what to tell you there. But it would be better than white imho.

    I will let someone else weigh in on using the same white for cabs/walls/bs etc. I'm so not a white kitchen expert!

  • 7 years ago

    I don’t think gray as a stone color is going to go as fast as gray as a paint color - gray stone is much closer to being neutral, so easier for people to work around in making a space their own. I do think the all white kitchen is too much. White cabinets with gray counter and maybe something like marble-look tiles on the backsplash? Something that’s very subtle but not plain white.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Here is a very neutral white kitchen with a stunning backsplash that brings in grays and taupe so your buyer will have the warmth in the kitchen missing from the previous white kitchen. If you click on the link, there are answers provided by the Pro for colors and makes and styles. The backsplash tile is Tundra Grey Marble Polished 3 x 6 and the Tile is by MSI Tile. The countertop is Quartz by Cambria called Torquay.


  • 7 years ago

    White cabinets with gray counter and maybe something like marble-look tiles on the backsplash? Something that’s very subtle but not plain white.

    I like this idea. And I like the kitchen Denita posted.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I'd go Olive green ( or even sage green) with kitchen cabinets.. I had two kitchens in this colour ( walls were tiled) and I really enjoyed them.. probably a colour i would go back too one day but presently have creamy cabinets and they are nice too.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    I agree that if you are moving in the next few months you are decorating for the new owners. Light is one of the most important things that you need to bring in a room when you are selling. Lighter colored cabinets help you do that & can help you sell.