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Exercises done Sunday Nov. 5

7 years ago

I started my Sunday off with a weight workout. Just the light weight ones... as I want to get back in to this. Then my daughter called, and hoped I would go for a walk with her, and my grand dog. ;) Thus, she picked me up and we walked all around the Myriad Gardens, and a good stretch on the river trails. Using google I tried to come up with the mileage... as I forgot to put my fitbit in my pocket, when I changed pants. Looks like we walked about 4 miles... well, not really walked, we strolled, as that was her objective. Later I rode my bike to the hospital, walked up to the third floor, before stopping at Home Depot for a new outlet. Biked 5.57 miles, stepped according to fitbit for 3873 steps.

Anyone else do any exercises?

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