Parents: Did you decorate your kid's dorm room?
7 years ago
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- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
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Mattress toppers for dorm room bedding and other dorm essentials
Comments (20)Thanks everyone for all of the suggestions and feedback. It sounds like either the egg crate or memory foam would work, then a mattress pad goes on top of both and then the sheets. Cia1953: Good idea about the rental of the fridge+micro. As next year, most likely he’ll go in the apartment style housing I think he’ll need them only for one year. I’ve heard about the BB&B service which is really a great option for kids who fly in. As we live in Nor Cal. we plan to drive down for move-in day. Arcy: DS and I attended orientation last month and it seemed pretty much routine that everyone got the refrigerator and micro; though most likely I think he would purchase then in San Diego��"or rent like cia suggested. I’m not quite sure what you think is a luxury item, though. Certainly not the bedding? I got the impression from most kids we spoke with that the ref+micro was in lieu of a more expensive meal plan (which is how I see it for my DS too). Pudgeder: DS went to private high school so we’ve been using Amazon for years for textbooks, though the university was promoting their service where we pre-order books from them and they will deliver in a box to their dorm. I’m just wondering if his debit card works with Amazon or he should get his own credit card? Usually, he puts everything in the shopping cart, then I enter my CC and place the order, but I think he needs to have his own card to order books and stuff. Deborahnj: ha!ha! on the bed. I can totally see myself doing that too, making up his bed. We had a tour last month at orientation and DS spent a night in the dorms. The triple, like Ann mentioned, is really a double sized room, they added another bed to squeeze in more kids. So one side is bunk beds and the other a loft bed with desk below. Really no space at all. But they do have the common room that the 6 rooms in the suite all share. So, DS requested a single as he will still have lots of social opportunities since it’s a suite, but I’m not too optimistic he will get it. Betsy: Totally agree about the dark sheets and towels! Chefmom: Thanks for the list. I’ll check it out. Marie_cate: That’s exactly what the triples are like. One of the recommendations we’d heard, esp. if he is in a triple, is that they get one printer and share the cost of the ink. That is so inconsiderate, though, to use someone’s printer all year long without offering to share ink/paper costs, but I’m sure it happens all the time. Alku: I’ve seen the bed blocks at BB&B and great idea to store things below, but won’t work if he has a triple with the bunk and loft bed. I guess they have to bring a storage bin and store in the closet (which looked about 18” wide). Juliekmco: I saw the egg crate toppers at Target, good to hear your DDs liked them. I didn’t see the XL size, but I’ll check another location. Yikes, I guess I better decide soon before all the XL stuff is sold out. Lindac & Bestyears: Great list of repair/first aid. Definitely I’ll add that to the list. Divastyle: I’m sure your niece was thrilled with her dorm package. I’ve heard about the frequency of thefts so will talk with DS about some way to secure his valuables. I have some notes from orientation when campus police spoke to us….need to refer back to that. It was definitely a case of information overload. Annkathryn: Yes, that is what they have at UCSD. The triples were all originally doubles, so very tight quarters. When I was at BB&B they were also selling this room deodorizer; as my good friend whose DS goes there said the whole suite smells like a locker room! Guess most recommend a body pillow over the armchair type pillow? So far I bought him a comforter set with sheets, an extra set of sheets, 2 towels, 2 washcloths, 1 face towel. He’s telling me “Mom I won’t have a lot of space” But I figure you need one to use, one to wash....See MoreHow much control do you let kids have and decorating their rooms?
Comments (78)I love how her room is coming along! It's fun,sophisticated, and entirely appropriate. The wood tones fit in really well. I didn't go into my personal experience with letting children choose their decor, but overall my attitude is that they should have choice within a set of parameters; I have boys who are not highly opinionated and my decor style is not highly feminine....See MoreDid you teach your kids to cook? Who taught you?
Comments (45)I learned basics from my Mum and she is a competent cook, but her style and range of dishes is limited so I have continued to learn on my own since becoming an adult and I am now a decent cook and baker. Roasts, casserole, pies, cakes and cookies are my strong points. I have done my best to teach my own four kids the basic skills and encourage them to cook - but their responses have all been different. Child 1 (now 22) can cook simple things but is not interested beyond that. Child 2 likes to occasionally tackle complex baking recipes but isn't much interested in day to day cooking. Child 3 took food science as an option at school and did well but never does any cooking at home beyond heating things up in the microwave. Child 4, who is just 14, is an excellent cook and baker who makes e.g. breads, complex pasta dishes, pizza ( including dough), curries, naan breads, samosas, fajitas, complex desserts etc. While she learned basic techniques from me and still asks for advice sometimes, she typically chooses to cook very different dishes than I do. She probably cooks 3 or 4 nights a week as she gets home earlier from school than I do from work. She'll often head to the kitchen late at night to relax by learning to bake something new. She was amazed recently when she was talking about cooking and baking with a friend at school who claimed to be a good cook on the basis of being able to bake a box cake mix. Child 4 was not impressed! Although I took the same approach to parenting and teaching all four of my kids the results have been very different....See MoreDid your kids come into your
Comments (26)oldest, very rarely... she was a sound sleeper, loved to sleep and loved her crib. still a big sleeper middle child, OMG horrible sleeper since birth, thought there was something wrong with him. he would wake in the middle of the night, come into our room, stand and stare at me, then run back to his room (he was about 2-21/2). every night between 2-3:30. this went on for about 6-9mos...pediatrician gave us a strategy to break that cycle (it worked)!! always up by 6:00. would get up, go downstairs, get a bowl of cheerios (dry) turn on TV and watch sesame street all by himself, about 3 yrs old. short naps, the list goes on. but he rarely slept with us only when sick and not all the time. still an early riser and does not require much sleep youngest, very good sleeper - stay in crib/bed. she would have night terrors and just scream in her crib., that was awful. lasted about a year, had about 5 incidents. very rarely if ever slept with us. still loves to sleep! pediatrician not a proponet of sleeping with parents. and we did not want it either. they knew it was not the norm by any stretch. only when sick or a major thunder & lightening storm, bad dreams would bring them into our room......See MoreRelated Professionals
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