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Pot Fillers! Countertop vs wall mounted? Placement over burners?

Heather N
6 years ago

Lots of pot filler questions! (please, no comments about how they are an unnecessary expense or that we will have to dump the water out anyway. . .I use my current pot filler regularly, and also use it for things other than making pasta - such as quinoa or rice - where the water isn't dumped out after cooking)

1) Does anyone have a countertop-mounted pot filler (deck-mounted) instead of a wall-mounted one? Do you find that it is high enough to fill your pots?

2) Is there any reason why you can't just put a spray nozzle on the countertop next to the stove and just pull it out to fill a pot (similar to a spray nozzle that would sit on the back edge of a sink)? Or are there retractable hose pot fillers that are less conspicuous than ones with the big metal arms?

3) Are you supposed to put the pot filler over a specific burner - the highest BTU burner, the lowest BTU burner, or it doesn't matter? My current pot filler only reaches the back 2 burners on an 8 burner stove, but I just slide the pot over after I fill it, so I don't find that placement to be an issue.

Here is picture showing the layout of the BTUs on my burners. Thanks!

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