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Should I get one LONG runner for my entry way, or 2 separate? Help!

11 years ago
last modified: 11 years ago
Need to purchase a runner to cover up high traffic areas... just not sure what size.

Should I get one runner that is 3.5ft X 13 ft (which would just cover the walkway from the staircase to the back door) OR do I get a runner that is about 2.5 times that length and just have one long runner from the front door to right before the back door? I could also split them up into two.

I'm just worried that if I get one one longer runner that is 30+ft... it might look tacky.

Maybe if I split them up it wouldn't look too bad. (one runner for the front entryway, then space it about 5 ft before the other starts)

Input appreciated! I'm clueless when it comes to long entryways and runners!

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