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Anyone used Spilltech waterproof rug pads over hardwood?

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

The description of Spilltech does not mention that it is breathable - would the lack of airflow promote humidity to be trapped under the pad and cause damage to my wood floors or the water-based poly finish?

Would it cause any other problems? It says it only increases the amount of time you have to pick up a spill - perhaps if you don't get it all up, the moisture would migrate below the pad eventually?

If it works well, it seems like it would be great, so I'm hoping someone has had them under their large rugs for a few years and can share.

We had a few 99% humidity days this summer and my 9x12 wool rug absorbed enough vapor, it seemed it would pose a risk to the wood floor beneath - I was wondering if this pad would help or hurt.

I understand humidity can bring up a lot of tangents, but for now I'd love to stick to the topic of this specific rug pad and wood floors, thanks!

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