Deciding between chairs: Get Rid of Orange or Return 2nd Green?
7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
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UPDATE: Part 4 of 2nd Make New Friends Robin
Comments (150)ok, my pkg came in, it's SO AWESOME!!!! i got gloves withe the rubber thingi on the bottom (yay) and they fit a little loose, so i have moving room!! plum trees lily of the valleys-white caladiums sweet williams gee i knew i'd forget, varigated hosta unkown plant but its a beauty black raspberry and if i forgot any, she could tell ya, oh my vic! thank you so very much!! i can't wait till them tree's get taller!! then them kids can play in them like i did when i was little, that would be so fun!! i loved them all!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i planted yesterday in our slow soft rain we've been having for like 3 day's now. but my flower beds are filling up with water! i hope my seeds don't go down hill!! it says your supposed to dig them up, but i never knew that til later, but i live in zone 5 and mine came back and i don't mulch. YET!!! it's on my list of do's when my beds get their flowers how i want them. LOL yesterday i went creek digging and found a beautiful purplish looking flower almost like a monarda or something and monarchs were all over them, so i brought a few home, i love butterfly's!!i'm taking my gloves next time, i found some wild strawberry's, i love wild stuff!! hey hazel can't wait, you been yammerin on forever about this, so we've been sitting on pins and needles waiting now get on with it!! LOL na, i'm just feeling spunky for a bit today, LOL first time in a while, LOL i just found out we won't be losing out on the rest of our grant afterall!! we can use it in appliances and stuff. cool!! in 3 more years i'm gonna be very picky!! and not choose any fast talking contractor!! LOL i hope everyone has a great day!! and vela, don't worry!! you had them for a while!! and ya always have the pics!! LOL...See MoreHow to get rid of bermuda grass
Comments (45)Spring is here, it's finally quit snowing, and time to dig in the dirt! I arm myself with bucket, shovel, clippers, and a handy little three prong digger. Off I go in to the great outdoors! Flower beds! Yes! I need flower beds! Hmmm...previous home owner must have moved some things around, I spy some things coming up in odd spots. No problem, I have digging implements! Dig, dig, shift, shift, mulch, mulch. Ahhhh....the daffodils look much better in a flower bed instead of a foot out into the yard. A nice brick border would look great along that bed as well. Dig, dig. Tug, tug. Scratch, scratch with my three prong digger. Dig some more. Grrrr...what IS this stuff???? Back inside to the handy dandy internet. OMG! O..M..G!!! I have BERMUDA GRASS!!! Horrors!!! Two backbreaking days later, I have the brick border down, and have moved on to the rather pathetic little flower bed out by the corner at the street. Oh Dear Lord, what kind of people lived here before I did? Not only is there bermuda grass growing in that one, it's LOVING the black plastic trash bags they saw fit to put down, and then put several inches of dirt on top. The roots of the bermuda grass have formed a nearly impenetrable mat under the plastic. And because it's plastic, it's doing what they say plastic won't do, breaking down. Bits are sticking up above the dirt. There's holes in it that the grass has grown thru. A nearby tree has woven it's roots in the plastic. Another day of digging with that three prong digger. Scratch the dirt loose, dig out the roots, scratch some more. Easily have dug 20 gallons of bermuda grass out of a flower bed that's about 2' x 3' and I'm not done yet. God bless whoever made that little three prong digger. When I'm buried, I want it with me. Just in case I have to dig thru some bermuda grass....See MoreCan't Decide Between 2 Granites
Comments (12)Thanks for all the comments. This has been our home for 40 years and will be till they carry us out. I have waited decades to have a nice bathroom and I'm not afraid to put something a bit bold in it. The entire bathroom is neutral so I think it needs one shot of colour or character. So long as I can find nice towels over time to go with those colours. I think DH loves the Fusion the best and its what we first fell in love with. Then the granite people wouldn't let us use the slab we initially saw because it is just a small piece and they wanted us to take from an already cut slab. So we started looking elsewhere and fell in love with the Greenpeace also. In the end we fell in love with this part of the already cut Fusion slab. I just had to re\-adjust my thinking from what we first saw. The duller centre will be cut for the sink and the edges utilized for backsplash just to get a little more of it. It is still soft gentle swirls so I am not afraid of the colours. We did our kitchen in Titanium granite a couple years ago and we still are in love with it. The entire slab of Fusion is gorgeous but maybe a large area would be too much for a lot of people. If we were re-doing our TV room now I would love it around our fireplace but that is not going to happen in the near future....See MoreIs there a rose you are itching to get rid of?
Comments (161)My guess is if it isn't re-blooming it is not Darlows Enigma. There are a couple of roses that have flowers like DE. I like High Country Gardens but have received incorrect varieties from them. I eventually stopped ordering from them for this reason. Last year I had to order again they were the only ones that listed Prairie Sunrise. They sent Golden Celebration. Julie - My latest photo today of Crazy LoveThis is it first year so no real information. She has been healthy in year one....See MoreRelated Professionals
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