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swing arm floor lamps that swivel or pivot

7 years ago

The swing arm pharmacy floor lamp is a well known term in the lamp field. I want one that has a vertical arm that isn't affixed to the vertical arm rigidly; that is, the arm is on a rotating ball-bearing type connection that is loose enough that you can give the arm a tiny push to get it out of the way at night, and it will move easily.

Right now I have a lamp that provides plenty of reading illumination--indeed, almost too much, because what I want is something that enables me to read at night, without directing a ton of light into my wife's face, preventing her from sleeping. So, I need a relatively small, precisely directed light--in other words, not one with a big bulb and big shade-cover over that bulb and together they light up the whole room. So, if you can get me two things, it'd be great. First, I need the swivel or pivot function. Why? So when I'm just about to fall asleep at night, I can just give the lamp-arm a light push, and it will drift out of the way, rather than (a) requiring me to push hard, and in the process almost (or actually) pushing it over, or (b) leaving it where it is, just a foot or less above what I'm reading, so that when I wake up in the morning (or in the middle of the night, I hit my head on it. I want it to be easily able to glide or pivot. There MUST be lamps that will do that, sort of like the lamps students often affix to their desks; those lamps have a cylinder-shaped rod that projects downward (from the body of the lamp) into a hole in the clamp that locks onto the desk and won't move -- but the body of the lamp WILL move.
