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Microwave under counter

7 years ago

Can any microwave go under the counter? This will not be a microwave drawer, but a regular built in with trim kit put in place of the top two drawers vs put under a wall cabinet or on the counter. I have seen it in a couple of kitchens irl and think it will work well for us but I am not sure if there are restrictions on some microwaves that they can't be under the counter.


Comments (36)

  • 7 years ago

    Only a MW that has a trim kit can be built in like that. And you won't be able to see the control panel without crouching down. Great for little kids. Much less so for adults and not at all doable for old people.

  • 7 years ago

    Good things to think about. We do have a trim kit so that works. The adults I know that have their microwave this way like it, maybe I will take my mom (who lives with us) to one of their houses to see how it works for her. She likes the idea but good for her to see it in practice.

    In standing in the kitchen looking at the microwave comtrols and potential placement compared to the oven controls on the slide in range they would be a little lower and slightly "flatter". I guess I would envision stepping back to see them better or bending at the waist a bit if necessary. I cant imagine they would be low enough to warrant crouching (as I think about crouching, bending at the knees), but good to think about. I may see if we can "test run" a neighbors. Or maybe I can just write up a template to mirror the microwave controls and tape it about where they would be and see what we think. Good to think about and good to know it can be done with our microwave if we choose. Thanks!

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    I've purchased the LG 1.5 CU.FT. COUNTERTOP MICROWAVE WITH EASYCLEAN LMS1531ST WxHxD=21 7/8" x 12 19/32" x 17 7/32" It was on sale for CAN$150 at Future Shop (with free shipping). That will just fit in the interior width of the cabinet, which is 22.5". I am planning a solution similar to the blogger's one that I posted above (on Apr 2, 14 at 15:22). I will mount it as high as possible for optimal ergonomics, with most venting going under the unit. Here is a link that might be useful: LG 1.5 CU.FT. COUNTERTOP MICROWAVE This post was edited by feisty68 on Tue, Apr 22, 14 at 16:22
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    It is your house... if you want to mount it under the counter there is probably not a real issue. If one day you need factory serive they may make it an issue, may not. But if that works for you then go for it. Did you look at the Sharp microwave drawer? It was designed to mount under the counter.
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    We live in a downtown condo highrise. We have a galley style kitchen and this configuration is recognized as efficient but it has very little countertop space compared to other types of kitchens. When you remove the counter space needed for a sink and a cooking surface, you are left with a few linear feet of counter here and there. -- We threw away our microwave ten years ago, and we after months of wavering we are_not_getting a new one now that we are planning a complete overhaul of our kitchen. There are now many wall ovens that include microwave as as assist; they can be used in only-microwave function. We might not even buy that. We are getting a (Liebherr) Bio-Fresh fridge so we can concentrate on eating fresh not frozen, and an induction cooktop, and a convection oven. So this answers the question where we intend to put our microwave. We know our microwave oven placement decision is not in the norm, not with the norm, thus not "normal" when compared to the norm. David
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  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Do you wear reading glasses yet? A lot of things change when that happens. Not for the better. The ideal spot for a MW is the bottom being 36"-54" above the finished floor. I'd put it in an upper adjacent to the fridge before I'd put it in a base cabinet. Especially with multiple generations involved. But I am old and blind.

  • 7 years ago
    We will definitely look at all options and think about this to decide the best choice for us. My mom and daughter (done growing) are both short so a higher/standard under a wall cabinet microwave isn't a great option either. We absolutely don't want it on the counter and a tower that puts is at optimal height isn't a great option for the space. We are considering either putting it under a taller wall cabinet dropped down (decreasing height from counter to cabinet to 12") or putting it under the counter. We will definitely consider the pros and cons of both. Luckily we don't really use the microwave that much (couple times a week at most) so this isn't that big a deal one way or the other.
  • 7 years ago

    I've spent time in two kitchens with this arrangement. I hate it. It's impossible for even my 5' 1" wife to use let alone me at 6' 1"

  • 7 years ago

    Good to know Ron. Thanks!

  • 7 years ago

    we just put one in our new kitchen. We haven't been able to use it yet (new house, don't have occupancy yet) but ours has a fold-down door, so it operates very near identically to a wall oven. the controls are about 1" below counter height, and we can see them from standing fine enough.

  • 7 years ago

    I know this isn't what you asked - but if you still have the chance switch to a microwave drawer. We used to use our microwave a lot and when we redid our kitchen we put in a regular microwave under the counter. We never ever use it.

    It really is a pain to bend down to find the stupid thing that you are reheating and then to take the hot container out. If I had to do it again I would put in a drawer. We didn't put a drawer in because it was one of our first purchases for the kitchen and we were still pretending to follow a budget. HAH! They were a little more expensive than a regular microwave.

    Anyway, for what it's worth - my 2cents.

  • 7 years ago
    Thanks lookingintomyeyes! I would be interested in hearing how you like it once you start using it.
  • 7 years ago
    Thanks blftn! Our microwave was bought as part of a package. It hasn't been used yet but I don't know that we could exchange it at this point. What you are saying makes since. Maybe we will take it out of the box, put it on a chair in the kitchen and see how big a pain it is. We really don't use a microwave very often so I am more worried about space, but on the other hand I don't want to make it unusable either.
  • PRO
    7 years ago

    You know, they call them "counter-top microwaves" for a reason. That's where they are designed to live...on your countertop. Find a place.

  • 7 years ago

    Food for thought . . . I didn't have a good space for a microwave in my little kitchen and opted to (gasp!) go without one. It's been four years now and it's been just fine. I heat up leftovers the old-fashioned way (in a pot or the oven), and defrost chicken breasts in a bowl of water just like mom did. If I ever decide I really need one, I'll look for a very small (dorm size) model and stick it on a shelf. Probably not, though.

  • 7 years ago

    If you really do only use the microwave a couple times a week at most, I would definitely not spend my available kitchen real estate building one in just because I happened to get one as part of a package.

    I redid my kitchen last year and decided that I didn't use mine often enough to justify a spot for it in my kitchen (I probably used mine a bit more than you). I ended up putting it in my basement "just in case", but I haven't missed it. I've always refused to drink reheated coffee or tea, and things I used to do in the microwave such as melting butter or chocolate are much easier done on my induction cooktop.

    Have you considered Craigslist?

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Angliophilia -. I hate the look of a microwave on the counter and hate the space waste. I also think you hurt resale. I think we saw a total of 1 house with a microwave on the counter when we were looking to buy.

    Sherri. - that is a thought, but honestly I would rather have it be a pain under the counter than be in the basement. I would put it in a pantry if we had a walk in one. The main thing we use it for is heating up steam in the bag frozen veggies. Occasionally it gets used for reheating a cup of coffee or leftovers or a hot dog for my son who doesn't like them grilled or cooked under the broiler. We may end up putting it in a wall cabinet. Or maybe I will talk to the store and see if we can exchange it for a drawer. I'll have to give it some thought.

  • 7 years ago

    Ours is under the counter with no trim kit. I like it, dh hates it but he doesn't use it frequently. I also agreed before the remodel that I would do all his microwaving but he's never taken me up on it.

  • 7 years ago

    Our previous house had a regular microwave under the counter in the island. No trim kit. They must have used an oven cabinet with a shelf that was finished on the inside and plopped the microwave in there with a few inches to spare on the sides and top. Not what I would have designed, but it worked just fine. This was also a 7-figure property and it didn't stop me from buying it. It isn't the end of the world as far as kitchen compromises go!

    The only issue I had at that time was young kids that sometimes touched the MW keypad controls.

    Current house: I am moving the MW. It is currently chest/neck high above a wall oven and the new one will be a 24" MW drawer under the island counter.

  • 7 years ago

    Well, I have mine below the counter top and LOVE it there. Mine is a commercial model, however, and has only one function: ON for up to 6 minutes. You decide by turning a dial. Nothing else to read. No defrost or special settings like "popcorn' or anything. If you need more time you turn the dial again. No turntable, so where you place what you are putting in, will be where you find it. I have no problem using it, and in fact when I finally order the cabinet for it to go in, it will be higher up, closer to the counter, than it is now. The 18" deep cabinet will have an open space for it with no back in that area, to accommodate the outlet behind. MW will be on a pullout to allow steam to rise outside the cabinet. I use mine a lot. Counter space is at a premium in my kitchen, but I wouldn't want it there even if it weren't.

  • 7 years ago

    In my old house we had a MW under the counter. It was great teaching my then 5 year old how to make scrambled eggs, but us adults hated it. (I'm only 5'3") We had to bend down to see what was in it.

    In my condo, we had a MW drawer and in our new build, we're putting in a MW drawer.

  • 7 years ago
    It sounds like a drawer would be the best option, if that is possible. I talked to our salesman tonight about whether we could still exchange for a microwave drawer. He said they would likely do it because we are good customers (we have spent a lot of money there in the 6 months since our move!) but I have to clear it with Bosch since a rebate was involved. I will talk to Bosch tomorrow and see if they are willing to let us trade one for the other. I think a drawer would probably work best.
  • 7 years ago

    I just saw a photo of a kitchen with the microwave under the counter of the island, and I thought it was a weird and difficult place to put it. Then again, I don't have a microwave oven, but I do have a counter-top SmartOven (on my countertop).

  • 7 years ago
    So Toronto Vet - what is a smart oven? Is that like a toaster oven or speed oven?
  • 7 years ago

    How many Bosch appliances did you buy in total? I ask because if at least 3 of your other appliances are Bosch, then the rebate stays and you can get a Sharp microwave drawer. All microwave drawers are made by Sharp and are just rebranded with a higher price tag.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Cpartist - we only bought 3 Bosch, the microwave wasn't really the one I wanted but it made sense to get the rebate. I am going to talk to them today. It might actually be a wash to just sell the microwave for half off and buy the Sharp as it is less than the Bosch. We will see.

  • 7 years ago

    Our microwave is below the counter in our island with no trim kit. It's just a regular $100-ish micro sitting on an enclosed shelf. I'm short, husband is tall, we both use it just fine. I absolutely did not want it on a counter top. We use it occasionally, not every day. I couldn't justify the added expense for a drawer unit that would eventually fail and be even more expense to fix or replace, if we could even find one to fit the space that had been created for it.

  • 7 years ago

    My microwave drawer was going strong after 6 years of daily use for 7 months a year and another 10 days in summer.

  • 7 years ago

    I have a counter micro under the counter on a shelf. we use it daily to reheat food as I bulk cook and for reheating coffee. For me this works much better than having it one the counter and I have plenty of counter space to have a microwave. I am 5'8" and DH is 6'2".

  • 7 years ago

    "So Toronto Vet - what is a smart oven? Is that like a toaster oven or speed oven?"

    That's actually the name of a counter top oven from Breville: https://www.brevilleusa.com/collections/smart-ovens/products/the-smart-oven?variant=33979483793.  Closer to a toaster oven, but it makes lousy toast. It is a 13" square convection oven that is perfect for many of my day-to-day oven needs (bake, roast, broil), since I live alone. I reheat leftovers and frozen foods in it too.

  • 7 years ago

    We have ours in our island and it is really low (where the bottom two drawers would go rather than top two). It's not ideal, but it's not the worst. In a small kitchen, you have to make do. It's better than the old OTR micro we had before this.

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I recently did this IKEA under-counter micro in an IKEA kitchen project of mine. I wouldn't recommend it if you're a daily micro user, but for occasional use, it's fine. I would strongly recommend a unit that has the door hinged at the bottom, like this one.

    Open-Concept IKEA Kitchen - Custom Painted White/Gray · More Info

    Open-Concept IKEA Kitchen - Custom Painted White/Gray · More Info

  • 7 years ago
    Well, I talked to Bosch and they basically said that I can do whatever I want (return or keep) the microwave since they have already paid the rebate. That seems...odd.... it would seem like they are opening themselves up for people to defraud them if there is no ramification for returning a product after they have paid the rebate. I don't know. We will have to decide pretty quickly though as we are already over the store return date. The drawer seems easier, it is double the regular microwave cost though!
  • 7 years ago

    If you're going to change to the drawer make sure you let your cabinet makers know as the measurements might be a little different. If you use your microwave on a regular basis I would change to the drawer. It's been 6 years since we redid our kitchen and I kick myself almost everyday that we didn't get the drawer even though it was more expensive. It is the only thing I would change in my kitchen.

  • 7 years ago

    If you are set on having an under counter microwave oven....

    I have a combi oven/microwave by Miele. (speed oven) The touch pad is on the top and the oven door pulls down. It is designed to be installed under counter as an option.

    They cost slightly more than a microwave drawer and have way more options than a drawer.

    They are usually 240V oven that can be used as a full second oven. Mine has a broiler. I bake and roast in these. These are very common in Europe. Many European kitchens will have just one oven: a speed oven... The brands that you will find are European models.


    If you get the 240V model, you will have to rewire the kitchen for it.

    My second home has a standard American type Microwave oven installed under counter. (I think Sharp) The touch pad is to one side and the door swings open. I would say that having the control pad on the top is easier. It has a trim kit.

    Even so, I use it just fine.

    Again, if you are considering a drawer, spend a little more and get a speed oven instead.

  • 7 years ago
    Kaismom - can you heat liquid in your speed oven? We had looked at them and I was thinking that was what turned us away. I may be mistaken though?
  • 7 years ago

    I use it just like I would use any other microwave oven. It does not have a turn table. I just use it as is. Sometimes, I have to stir the food and give it a minute or two more. If you want a push button MW where you just push a button to heat, this is not it. We have one of those at work and it is easier to heat food when you have that option.

    What do you mean by heating liquid? I do not boil water in the MW. I use electric kettle for that. My DH reheats his coffee. ( I know, don't say it !!!)

  • 7 years ago

    We have a Sharp MW drawer and we love it. It's so much easier to use and much safer for children and elderly. No regrets!