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Caladiums as a houseplant after the summer wixed with annuals??

I need advice. I want to bring my Caladiums into the house for the winter that I have mixed in with some annuals for the summer on my shaded front porch. I want to try to grow them in the house for the winter if that will work. I will need to transplant them and I have been reading that it is not good to transplant until Father's Day?? I can not find the original post by Al regarding this information but have read on others posts something about that date for transplanting. What is the best medium to use? Should I use the gritty mix on all the plants? I did find the post regarding the soil he recommends we all use. I would like to transfer a few other plants into new medium as long as I going to make the choice to make the soilless medium so wondering if this is ok to do now or should I wait until next year. HELP!! I am a plant lover and I have houseplants but I have never used the mixes he recommends. I will be changing all my containers to the new mix next year as well. I am reading so many great things why I? should and I am sick of the Miracle Grow soil not draining for me.

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