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Advice needed regarding sectional sofa dilemma

7 years ago

My wife and I recently moved and are in the market for a new sofa. We purchased a relatively cheap sofa that we had for about 10 years. That search took quite a while, as we wanted something that was particularly long and deep. I am 6'2" and I wanted to be able to stretch out when lying down on the couch. I also wanted a deep seat due to my height. That sofa was our main seating in our living space which also contained the TV. It was deep enough so we could both lie down side-by-side with our heads on opposite ends of the sofa. So, while it served "normal" sofa duties, it say heavy use as "seating" for movie/TV watching.

When we moved, we were unable to get the couch into our new home due to its size, so we opted to get rid of it and purchase something nicer in a sectional. We went to all of the furniture stores near us in the West Palm Beach, FL area. Most things seemed to be poorly constructed. We settled on what appears to be a "good" piece of furniture from Havertys, the Norfolk sectional, which is manufactured by Alan White. It checked the necessary boxes in terms of construction. We measured the room, arranged the pieces in their 2D planner tool, and cut out pieces of kraft paper to lay out in the room to make sure we chose the right configuration. We have a large room for the sofa, but it does not have a wall to which the sofa can back up, so we were still limited. The best fit was what Havertys calls a loveseat section and a sofa section connected by a wedge. We had hoped to fit a chaise or what they call a "cuddler" section to make it work better as a movie/TV watching sofa, but it just didn't work.

I am probably the least capable person when it comes to making decisions, so I wrestled with this one for a while. The only thing that made it a bit easier was the fact that there simply were no other options from what we had seen. I had started looking around online, which opened up a huge Pandora's box. Naturally, Havertys was having a Labor Day sale, so we went in and ended up ordering the sofa Monday evening, even if it was a bit reluctantly on my part (note that this is standard for any decision). The sale pricing, which was good, was ending and we do have three days to cancel or modify the order, so I went ahead with it. Against my better judgement, I continued poking around online and came across pit sectionals, like this one:

I'm not making a judgement on this particular sectional, just using it as an example. I love the modular capability, in theory. It would be awesome to have a bunch of pillows and blankets in there and just dive in to watch a movie, but be able to arrange it as a more traditional sectional when having guests over, for example.

I also started finding small companies every once in a while that made custom upholstered furniture. Most of my family and my wife's family is in North Carolina and Virginia where they have many options for small manufacturers like this. While I certainly like the idea, as you most likely get a better quality product and can customize everything, I could not find anything like this in our area. I may just not know exactly what to look for. I don't think an interior designer is what we're looking for, as we're only looking for this one piece.

At any rate, I am looking for some advice on my options given everything I described. If I had not started down the rabbit hole of the internet, I'm sure I would have been perfectly happy with the sofa we purchased. Even before I started looking online, we talked about getting some large ottomans to supplement the sofa to make it a better fit for watching movies, so that may be an option. Price is certainly a factor, as I've seen some of these pit sectionals sell for over $10,000, and that is simply not something we would entertain. The sofa we ordered was about $3500, and we would be willing to spend more than that, but there would certainly be some point where we would say that's just not worth it to us, although I don't really have a specific number in mind.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated.



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