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Incorporating a chair I dislike!

7 years ago

Well - my apologies to all of you. I've posted before about a chair & matching ottoman. I especially dislike the style & also the fabric; the problem is, it is new, and was expensive too! I'm trying to hate it LESS and incorporate it into my living room. Is it possible?? I've hesitated to do that and to repeat the colors of the chair in the room so I'm in limbo. Hence, my room looks incomplete. I have to get over it and carry on with new accessories, window coverings, art, lamps; remove the mirror, etc. The chair now occupies the space where the small cream chair is located. It doesn't look good there either but is the best place to sit while occasionally watching tv in the room. The tv is now on a new stand on the blank wall to the left. If no one responds, I understand completely! You are probably tired of hearing about my dilemma.

Comments (65)

  • 7 years ago

    Get rid of it. I don't think it's bad but the point is you dislike it. Sell it , donate it & take a tax deduction or gift it to a friend or relative who would like it. Life's too short to guilt oneself about a chair you hate. Move on to something you love.

    mjconti thanked K Laurence
  • 7 years ago

    You have all provided a wide variety of very sensible and humorous solutions! From 'get rid of it', to the logical 'sunk cost fallacy', to being truly 'bullied by a chair', to a chair junky like me! And they are all true! Well, what to do, what to do. It could be moved into the family room, next to the brick fireplace and built in bookcases (where it seems to blend in better and more in line with the relaxed atmosphere of that room). But that room is neutrals, with sage greens. So it doesn't match at all. And, like chair junky, the family room contains a sofa, loveseat, recliner, and two other chairs! So I'd have to move one of those chairs out. And none of those chairs would look ok in the living room. I am over-chaired.

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  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I'm still having a tough time telling from the blurry photo and tiny fabric pic, but it looks like a nice chair and the lines look good with the sofa. What colors do you like from the chair fabric? I'd add more of those to the room. If you don't like the fabric I'd remove the matching throw pillows on the couch and add different ones. Once you have a good focal point you probably won't notice the chair as much. I'd find a piece of large art you really like. I do like the one you posted. I'd fold up a blanket and put over the back of the chair. You can adjust the width - fold the sides of the blanket inward. Then I'd add a pillow in front. That right there will help hide some of the chair fabric. You could also replace your end tables and or lamps so they weren't matching.

    Hate, like love, is such a strong word. Do you really hate it? Or are you just really frustrated currently? It doesn't help when things appear unfinished. We tend to then focus on that annoying 'thing' more. When we moved into our house I bought everything pretty quickly without too much planning. As a result I've had some pieces I haven't been happy with but were necessary to keep for a few reasons so I get it. Depending on how much was spent you won't get anywhere close to what you paid selling. You could easily finish off the room spending less than if you sold the chair and went from there. Life is too short to really hate something but only you can weigh the pros and cons.

    mjconti thanked User
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    A throw blanket to cut the pattern. And I agree with art that pulls the chairs colors. Maybe a tray on the ottoman - depending on how much use it gets.

    mjconti thanked auntthelma
  • 7 years ago

    I would move the footrest to another part of the room so that the chair doesn't look overwhelming. Pick a color from the chair and get a sold pillar in that color, but brighter. Your room does indeed look very safe, not enough color or art on the wall, it's all beige and brown. I'd get a bright area rug, a glass and metal coffee table so it looks different from the end tables, pile some books on the coffee table, anything you can think of that will add color and life. That way the chair will also "disappear" more into the background. I think, by the way, it's a beautiful chair, although it's a pity that it's not comfortable.

    mjconti thanked ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
  • 7 years ago

    I like the chair too! However, that doesn't matter ... it's in YOUR house. Two thoughts:

    1. Get a nice throw in a solid color that you like and keep it on the chair all the time. This might reduce your dislike of the look.

    2. Could it move to a bedroom? Perhaps a guest bedroom? It could work nicely in a bedroom, and you might like it more if it were not in your main living space.

    mjconti thanked mrspete
  • 7 years ago

    if it were comfy, I'd keep it & work it into your room w/ some of the above suggestions. However, since it's not comfortable & you don't like the boxiness of it (your words), unless you can use it another room, even a bedroom, I would try to sell it. If you lose some $ on it, save for a replacement & take your time until you find something you love. Meanwhile, you could find things you love for the rest of the room that you love, such as curtains, art work, lamps, etc. & then find a chair that works with that look. I think most of us (me) have purchased a furniture item that hasn't worked for us......ask me about our sofa saga from years back. Even a nice consignment store might work. Hope that helps....

    mjconti thanked lizzie_grow
  • 7 years ago

    I also agree, if you decide to keep it, try putting it in a corner to soften it....

  • 7 years ago

    Sheeisback, you really understand it. The chair is a matching style # to the sofa so it seemed like a good idea to purchase it at the time. I do understand others' comments that suggest getting rid of the chair. BUT at the same time, I feel like I need to accept & deal with my mistake. I like the orangy & the greenish-gold color in the fabric & the light cream, more than the dark red and the light & dark shades of Williamsburg blue. But those colors would be easier to find in pillows, etc. Maybe if I purchase the new art print first, it will help to decide which color to pull from the chair? My plan is to use the current frame that you see above the sofa. Auntthelma - I will buy or make a throw blanket - cold weather is coming to Ohio. I use the ottoman to prop up my feet!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Does the chair have to be placed in that spot? I think the squattiness (not squatty to me, but I think that's your objection to it) would be lessened if it were floating in the room, like the lighter colored chair, instead of up against a wall where the height of the back is more apparent. Any possibility of moving the tv to where the chair is (hard to tell since we can't see the tv set up) and angle the chair opposite? If nothing else, I'd pull it further into the room and put a piece of tall furniture behind it against the wall, nothing overwhelming, but like a bookcase or small secretary. Or maybe a tallish chest with a painting hung above it.

    Perhaps, then, the back of the chair could be angled toward the left window a bit, floating, with the footstool toward the couch.

    Maybe not this elaborate, but on this idea:

    More pics of the room would be helpful.

    mjconti thanked Olychick
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I was thinking what Ingrid just wrote.....remove the ottoman. That will give the chair a smaller footprint. If you need something to put your feet on, find a smallish ottoman or stool (with rollers) in a solid color.....like your couch or your rug or an accent color. With the rollers you can store your little foot rest beside the TV, in a corner, in front of a window....etc. I really think it might be the bigness of the chair you don't like. Get a lamp for the table....mirror is okay over the chair unless you can find some art you really like. A throw over the back of the chair in a solid color...(helps my sofa that I hate...) and put a pillow too but not necessary.

    mjconti thanked erinsean
  • 7 years ago

    I think what's bothering you is the room is very traditional and formal; the chair is more transitional. I personally like the chair. Are you open to making the rest of the room less formal?

    mjconti thanked gracie01 zone5 SW of Chicago
  • 7 years ago

    It might be too big for your bedroom but I'd love it in mine. DH or I sometimes wake uo at night and want to read without disturbing the other in bed; that could be nice in a corner with a small reading light.

    mjconti thanked bpath
  • 7 years ago

    I think it is nice and I like the colors, you have the matching pillows on the sofa and they look nice too. Try setting it all up into a conversation area, add some of the colors into the room and it you still don't love it, donate, sell or toss it. It's just a chair.

    Life is way too short to live with a mistake you hate.

    mjconti thanked woodteam5
  • 7 years ago

    Yes, I'm open to making the room less formal. I'd like it to be cozy & inviting. Where should I begin with that in mind?? Lamps? My shades need replaced but it might make more sense to buy 2 new ones. I like the idea of something behind the chair. This room was FAR easier to arrange when it didn't have a tv. I think I'd like the tv where the chair is, between the windows, but the tv cable can't connect there. My husband said we should have bought, or still need to buy a comfortable swivel chair for the room. A 6 ft. opening adjoins the living room with the dining room. It contains a Queen Ann style cherry dining room table and 6 chairs, and a hutch/china cabinet. But I can tame that down I think, with a casual looking table runner and centerpiece. I'm not that concerned about the dining room.

  • 7 years ago

    I would start by removing everything that is brass; i.e., mirror, picture frame, lamps. Can't tell what your wall color is -- Can you put up new drapes with a color from the chair?

    mjconti thanked gracie01 zone5 SW of Chicago
  • 7 years ago

    Can you take some clearer photos from all corners of the room and some dimensions?

    I would say you need different tables in there (do all three of them match?)

    I like the chair, too....but yes, comfort matters more...

    mjconti thanked User
  • 7 years ago

    The 2 end tables & coffee table match; they were purchased 40 years ago! I'd like a new coffee table. The walls are very light beige and need repainted. The custom made pinch-pleated, lined drapes are as old as the tables and need replaced too! I've been contemplating replacing the sheer curtains with some kind of blinds. The windows are 45 x 72" long. We will replace the carpet too. And no, I don't want or like hardwood floors in that room, or any room actually. So, as you can see, I haven't progressed on doing a single thing until I accept/reject/or relocate the chair. And I've had it for 2 years. - Yes 2 years. Am I a procrastinator? Can't make a decision?

  • 7 years ago

    "I think I'd like the tv where the chair is, between the windows, but the tv cable can't connect there."

    I'll bet it can. You just need to get someone in to move it :-)

    mjconti thanked Olychick
  • 7 years ago

    HI Marilyn -- Life is too short to live with something you don't like or hate . That applies to chairs ,husbands/people ,houses ,jobs and anything else . Trying to fit in something you don't care for is a waste of time . Try to sell it or trade it or take it back to the store to or a consignment shop and then find a chair you will love and enjoy for years to come . Is your happiness worth more than what little you might lose getting something else ??

    mjconti thanked lefty47
  • 7 years ago

    I have to say that I like the chair. I think the issue is that it doesn't really relate to anything else in the room, except the sofa pillows.

    However, having pillows in the chair color reminds me too much of a "set". I'd try to move the chair in a corner, get pillows in a color color pulled from the chair --- a color that you like ---.

    I'd angle the chair towards the sofa,get rid of the ottoman --- or find a corner for the chair with ottoman, perhaps create a reading corner, maybe in another room?

    mjconti thanked nosoccermom
  • 7 years ago

    Art is so personal, so you have to decide whether that giclee print is the best choice for the room. To me, it still has that overall muted look that the furniture has. I would go bolder.

    mjconti thanked graywings123
  • 7 years ago

    marilynjoc - yes, you need some new tables & accessories. Please start with a simple smaller round table (no brass) to go with your chair..put it on the sofa side, angle the chair just a bit towards the sofa and remove the mirror. I think we need pictures of your room further out and of the tables closer up..Some may be able to be painted to work in your room. 2 new ceramic lamps with drum shades will help compliment your more contemporary chair but lets get the lay out correct first. Where are the doors in this room and is there a TV? No art yet.

    Do you have a smaller round table in the house to just try out for a visual? I saw another chair in one picture - close up? Do you have any taller furniture in the room or that can be moved into the room as more of a focal point?

    mjconti thanked jdgail
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Boy do I agree with just getting rid of that thing. This is your home, not the thing's, yet you've settled into a resigned victim mentality.

    And, please, absolutely do not make the mistake of designing the room to make the thing look less repulsive to you. I've been there. That would be one initial mistake giving birth to a whole roomful. You'd never be really happy with the room or IT.

    So sell it for what you can get and buy nice used from a consignment shop, auction, or estate/moving sale.

    mjconti thanked hamamelis
  • 7 years ago

    I've "been there done that" -- I bought a wonderful old wing back chair at an auction for $2. I took it to the upholsterers and picked out a lovely dark green damask which looked lovely in the show room. It was upholstered and I brought it home and the chair immediately was sucked into the dark green paint of the living room walls -- basically it disappeared. I hated the upholstery (but not the chair) but it was expensive for I felt that it would be a "forever" piece. Well, after about 8 years, I felt I lived with it long enough and that had it worn, it would have been time for replacement, so I reupholstered it. And that was 15 years ago -- I still love the newer fabric. It's in as good condition as the day we brought it home and it is as nice looking as that hated green that I took off.

    This was also before slipcovers were all the rage or I would have done that.

    So your choice is to get rid of it or live with it. You have the option of perhaps moving it to another location -- I didn't have that option.

    mjconti thanked User
  • 7 years ago

    Ha, I love Fraiser.

  • 7 years ago

    One more question/point.......Is there another living area in this home? The style of the chair is more in keeping with a family room - not a formal living room.

    mjconti thanked jdgail
  • 7 years ago

    I agree with others that suggested angling the chair & ottoman a bit toward the sofa.

    I like the large canvas print that you posted.

    mjconti thanked Laurie
  • 7 years ago

    I would get an area rug for under the table and have it be in the tones of the color you like most in the "naughty" chair, then remove the ottoman completely, change out pillows to bigger and touch of the next color you like in the chair. I love the artwork and it will create balance. angle the chair to the new rug and coffee table to create a cozy feeling. Get the throw and pillow for the angled chair and then reevaluate the room.

    mjconti thanked Yayagal
  • 7 years ago

    It IS a naughty chair! I like that adjective to describe it. I really like the artwork I posted. I have 2 additional throw pillows I'm also using in the room even though it wasn't my intent to use them in the living room (until the chair showed up and consumed, in my minds eye, the room; they are a dark russet red. So at least one other thing blends with the naughty chair. Yayagal I like the idea of an area rug under the or a coffee table. I can't angle the chair towards the sofa right now. Because one of us occasionally sits in it to watch tv. The room is 18-1/2 ft. long, 13-1/2 ft. wide wall the sofa is on..

  • 7 years ago

    So the new carpet and drapes and paint and lamps and art work and what ever else will be purchased to "go with the chair". The chair you hate. It's time to cut bait. Sell it for a loss. IF you are truly brave... paint it. Can be done. Lots of directions on the net.

  • 7 years ago

    Could you put small sliders on the legs of the ottoman so you can push it aside until you're ready to sit and watch tv and then move it back.

    mjconti thanked oaktonmom
  • 7 years ago

    Whether this chair stays in the room or not, we need to buy another chair that is comfortable, and it would be best if it swiveled, so we can watch tv without getting a kink in our neck. SO. Should it be a neutral, light beige chair so it blends ok with the BUSY various colored print in the naughty chair? I don't think I'd like a second chair that was blue or dark red (the colors in the naughty chair). Or remove the naughty chair from the room, buy a new one in any fabric of choice and have only ONE chair in the room? I don't want (can't) to buy 2 new chairs; our home is full of chairs. Even though the room is plenty large enough for a sofa and 2 chairs, is it ok to have only 1 chair? Would it look like the room was incomplete? What could be placed in there to fill in space? I'd buy a chair with a higher back. The room seems to scream for height somewhere. The naughty chair could be moved into the family room, where we spend most of our time. If it was moved there, one of the family room chairs needs to be moved out; it already has 3 chairs, & a sofa & loveseat too.

  • 7 years ago

    It would help to have full pictures of the other 2 walls as we really need a better feel for the scale and layout of the room. A leather chair would be the perfect addition to the room.. I agree that your room needs height - pictures will help with suggestions..

    mjconti thanked jdgail
  • 7 years ago

    The very first thing I noticed about the naughty chair and ottoman was that it looked uncomfortably placed - squared up with the wall behind it and the ottoman squarely in front. Too square!!

    I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this room. I saw the word "formal" but then I saw "watch tv." In my world, formal does not mean tv. Nothing wrong with tv, but perhaps you should pick one style or the other and go with it.

    mjconti thanked littlebug zone 5 Missouri
  • 7 years ago

    Is there a TV in the family room?

    mjconti thanked User
  • 7 years ago

    We have one of those houses built in the 70's where it was popular to have a 'formal' living room in the front of the house off the entryway, a dining room behind that, a kitchen and eating alongside the dining room, and a family room right off the kitchen, and behind the attached 2-car garage. A colonial style. Initially our living room didn't have a tv. It had a beautiful cherry, french provincial style upright piano that we gave to our married daughter. She was the only one that played it and she's a music teacher. SO since my husband and I don't always like to watch the same things on tv, we got a tv for the living room and often one of us watches that one while the other one watches the one in the family room. We kind of alternate, because neither of us like sitting in the naughty chair in the living room for any length of time. We both prefer the family room: cozy, warm, inviting, full wall fireplace, comfortable seating. Maybe the living room needs to feel more casual. I kind of like the idea of a leather chair suggested by jdgail. For sure, the chair needs to be a lighter color. The sofa isn't that light; a medium or dark color will be dreary in the room. Will it look ok to buy a higher-backed chair for the room with the low-back naughty chair? Or will things look 'off' kilter?

  • 7 years ago

    What about putting a tv in a bedroom and dedicating your living room for non-electronic stuff?

    I can see a nice bookcase, comfy chairs, throws....

  • 7 years ago

    Depends on the style of the rest of the new chair - a higher back would be fine. Needs to compliment what you have/are keeping. Can you post pictures of the rest of the room and we can make some suggestions. Perhaps the new chair can be a leather recliner and in the spot that the naughty chair is in..

    mjconti thanked jdgail
  • 7 years ago

    I don't know if this photo helps much. The entryway and front double doors are in the upper left. The wall on the left, under the thermostat, is where the new tv and stand are centered. To the left of the tv is a void, empty corner. The small cream chair (removed from the room for the time being) is on a 10 ft. wall. The naughty chair now occupies that spot. And my husband angles it to watch tv. To the right of that wall is the opening to the dining room. So basically the room is a rectangle. I have an old wing chair I don't plan to keep on the wall between the windows where the naughty chair is shown in the photo mostly just to fill in the space. I've moved the naughty chair between that wall to the wall the cream chair is on - it doesn't look any better in either spot. Overall it is a nice room & gets the morning east sun - a blank slate - kind of! But kinda boring too with no architectural interest or interesting furnishings or accessories.

  • 7 years ago

    if the chair is new and you hate it why not try it on ebay? set a reserve you are happy with as a buy it now price and/or let it go to auction and see what happens. I have been amazed at the prices some things get on ebay. Sometimes people pay more than the retail price.!!1

    mjconti thanked 2dogssashatess
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    You need to provide a photo from front door.

    The chair where it is, is the first thing you see when you enter room.

    It's a nice looking chair. But your placement seems off.

    A throw draped over the chair, a lumbar pillow you love, a nice lamp there, and remove the pretty mirror to another wall where it will reflect something nice.

  • 7 years ago

    marilyn - still need a picture of the other 2 walls with the furniture that is on them..those pieces are key to helping you with further purchases and overall furniture placement.

  • 7 years ago

    There is no good way to arrange this room thanks to the tv! I have it on graph paper and all the furniture cut out to scale. The 40" tv is on the opposite wall of the sofa; and the room is over 18 ft. long. A little too far for comfortable viewing. Ok for me, not ok for my husband. He likes to sit closer. And to watch tv from the naughty chair, whether it is placed on the wall shown or the wall where the cream chair is, the naughty chair has to be turned at an angle to watch tv. It should have been a swivel. OR the tv could be on the wall where the cream chair is, and the naughty chair opposite the tv, between the 2 windows. But then the entire side of the naughty square BOX is the first thing you see from the entryway when entering the living room. There's just no way for this chair to blend in and look like it belongs. I guess we need another chair, in addition to, or in place of the naughty chair that is shaped like a SQUARE BOX . Can you tell I still can't talk myself into liking it?

  • 7 years ago

    I don't see anything on the wall opposite from the sofa.....Looks blank. If the room is 18 ft, it may need to be divided to make it work the best. Can't help with incomplete pictures.What is in your other family room? .This from a Navy wife and AF kid, moved tons and re imagined all of my furniture in different ways too many times.

    mjconti thanked jdgail
  • 7 years ago

    The tv & wood tv stand are on the blank wall of the living room, opposite the wall with the sofa. It is difficult to place chairs comfortably to watch tv. The family room is quite full with furniture: a sofa & love seat form an L-shape. A leather rocker/recliner. A striped fabric swivel chair (it isn't comfortable), and a glider rocker with a fabric seat & back, and wood arms. One wall in the family room has a full wall brick fireplace and built-in bookcases & shelves on either side. The opposite wall is a half wall separating it from the eating area of the kitchen. It is a cozy room where we spend almost all of our time and our family does too, when they come over - they are primarily in the kitchen & family room. Rarely in the living room.

  • 7 years ago

    We put another tv in the bedroom for when it's a hockey game and, like, anything else...

  • 7 years ago

    IF this chair remains in the room instead of being moved elsewhere, would purchasing a second chair in a dark blue tone down (quiet) the printed chair, instead of purchasing a second chair in a light beige which was my original plan. Whether this chair remains in the room or not, we still need a second chair... or start over with TWO, then get a couple dark blue throw pillows. I think I'd like velveteen or something with some shine. The blues in the chair are a dusty, foggy blue and go from light to dark. (darker than sample shows).