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Bat removal suggestions

No sure if this is the correct forum, but any suggestions on getting a bat out of the house are welcomed.

We had one once before and opening the top of a double hung window which gave it an out and it left, but that approach also leaves other "things in". We did that again last night, but the bat is still here.

The weather was cool last night and we opened all the bedroom windows. The bat must have been between the screen and the window in our bedroom. We woke to the sound of our cat leaping in the air and the bat squeaking. The bat managed to get away and flew from our bedroom balcony into the cathedral ceiling in the living room. This morning it is about 15 feet up hanging on a beam. We do not have a ladder that will allow us to capture it.

Open to suggestions. For some perspective, here are two bad pictures. It is the darkest spot between the two lighter spots.

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