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Match existing hardwood but stain different colors in different rooms?

7 years ago


We're in the middle of a remodel and still figuring out what we want to do with flooring. Our house was built in '66 and we have the original oak 2" width floors. We are adding some extensions to the house, but are debating whether or not we should keep the existing hardwood floors and match them in the extensions as well as in the kitchen/dining(which do not currently have hardwood) or just rip them out and put in new engineered hardwood (that's darker). Costwise, it seems like keeping the existing floors and matching them would be more cost effective. Some things that complicate our decision:

1) We have the same hardwood in our bedrooms, but since we are living here during the remodel, we don't want to move out of them. (Favors keeping the existing wood)

2) We would like to have floors that are darker in color (Doesn't favor either option)

3) We're not sure if (assuming we can match the same grade wood) the matched hardwood would stain the same as the existing hardwood. (Not sure which this may favor)

That being said, would the design aesthetic of having the bedrooms the existing color, but having everything else a different, darker color be undesirable? We don't plan on moving at all.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide

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