Whats your largest tomato - 2017 edition
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
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What are the largest Competition Size tomatoes?
Comments (5)I've been competing for a few years now and my most consistent results have been coming from Big Zac seeds that were saved from previous competition winners. I have tried many different varieties over the years. Tomatoes which have produced over four pound tomatoes for me are: Big Zac Church BelMonte In 2008 I held the Ohio State Record with a 4.48 pound tomato which was grown off of the variety "Curch". In 2009 I broke that record with a 4.83 pound tomato which was grown off of the variety Big Zac which was a seed from the 5.58 Timm 08. Many competition Growers are now considering the 5.58 Timm one of the first "proven" tomato seeds, meaning that this seed has produced more record breaking fruit than any other known tomato seed. I believe the 5.58 Timm is an F4 Big Zac. My 2009 record was short lived as Nick Harp produced a tomato last year off of the same 5.58 Timm seed which weighed in at 7.18 pounds and is the fourth heaviest tomato ever recorded. I hold a contest each year for the heaviest tomato at www.perrysgreenhouse.com, your welcome to join in if you'd like. There are prizes awarded to the winners of the contest, this year our first prize includes a copy of the book Growing Giant Tomatoes by Dr. Marvin Meisner, 5 seeds from the 4th largest tomato ever grown in the world, "the 7.18 N. Harp" a $20 gift certificate to our Sponsor, and the prize list is growing. I've given away all of the competition seeds I have for the season but I am sure you will find someone there that is willing to share. Our community is focused mainly on producing record breaking vegetables with lots of information to help you achieve your personal best. Good Luck in your Endeavor!!! Duane...See MoreGIYG: grazing in your garden, end of may edition
Comments (15)I'm back from visiting probably the most beautiful place on earth- Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Florida looks awful in comparison.... But, thanks to capable friends, my garden is still alive and growing like mad! I picked Jamaican Strawberries, Blackberries, Barbados Cherries, Tomatos, Persian Limes and Peaches this morning. Lots of Bananas on the trees, none ripe right now. Looks like a very good Fig crop later this summer, and the Pomegranates are HUGE and heavy. Apples look really nice and are reaching a respectable size. Should be able to start picking them in June/July. My Chaya is so big that I must cut it back hard, or it will be shattered by the first storm to come along. I think I'll make a Chaya dish similar to Treefrog's Malabar Spinach/Beef enchiladas. To my sorrow, most of the Black Sapote blooms fell off, as did the fruits on the Mamey Sapote. My largest, oldest Kampong Mauve Sugar Apple tree was split in half, so I had to remove 6' sections. That hurt! There are a few nice-looking Mango fruits left, that "Teeger" hasn't picked and eaten, yet. The Dragonfruit vines on the old turkey pen are blooming nearly non-stop. So far, no fruits have formed. It may need another variety for pollination, or might even be a non-fruiting one? I have other varieties, but none of them are in bloom. My Malanga looks very nice, I wonder how to tell when the tubers are ready to harvest? The Pitomba shrub bloomed and set fruit while I was away. I'm looking forward to the fruits- they taste like juicy Apricots! Lisa...See MoreI harvested my largest tomato ever this morning
Comments (11)Today I picked two Rutgers and one Jet Star. Not quite ripe yet, though they were turning orangish on the vines. One had some fruit worm damage near the top, but I got the bugger and will just cut out the bad part of it. I can't believe I actually harvested 3 tomatos! Am I dreaming or not? Can't wait to taste them and two should be ready tomorrow or the next day. They went from gold to orange in 1 day!! Scott, that is one oversized softball your little one has there! Does he like tomatos? So many kids today don't because they are used to the flavorless ones they experience on a flavorless Mickey D hamburger. Even I don't really know what to expect when I take that first bite of a fresh, grown my me, hopefully flavorFUL tomato. But, I'll be sure to let you know. We also had our first blueberry pancakes yesterday morning with our very own blueberries, Scott! Kenna enjoyed picking them and eating them. Susan...See MoreYour biggest tomato(s) - what variety?
Comments (24)Here are (clockwise) Mexico, Omar's Lebanese, Cherokee Green, and a red version of Gregori's Altai. The Cherokee Green was 2 lbs 3.1 oz. Mexico won first place last September at the 2008 Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest... it was over 2lbs... Consistently large ones are Omar's, Cuostralee, Mexico, Kornesevvsije, Lithuainian, Daniels, Tidwell German, Dutchman, Italian Sweet, Olena Ukrainian, Phil's Fantastic, and, for hearts, Oleyar's German, Wes, Nicky Crain, Ukrainian Heart & Kosovo. Large bi-colors are Burracker's Favorite & King Pineapple. I even get some XL-XXL GMG's: I'm sure there are MANY I forgot to mention! Hope this helps....See MoreRelated Professionals
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