Need help deciding focal point in 12 x 12 3-entrance living room
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
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Need layout help for WIDE kitchen- 12'6' x 21'
Comments (4)Hi! How exciting to get to the planning phase for your kitchen. We completed our kitchen remodel this time last year & although it is not open on one side it is a similar size with openings/wide doors to a sunroom on one side & dining room on the other. We worked with a kitchen designer since we were opening walls & moving plumbing & wanted to maximize our effectiveness. Her guidance about work triangles is that today's larger kitchens actually have more than one work triangle. Ultimately you have nice work space that multiple people can simultaneously work in. I think it is ok that your main sink is across the room from your refrigerator. You may consider placing the prep sink at the end of the island nearer the refrigerator for ease of access or you may consider putting an under- counter refrigerator to keep veggies for dishes you are working on or at times for easy access for drinks. Having the prep sink as near the other sink as you do may create a little bottle neck, plus you'll have access to water at both ends of the kitchen -- a thought. (It looks like you have plenty of space to move around -- KD recommends 42" if you can do it or scaling down to 39"-ish between counters.) Our KD recommended the trash pullout between the dining area & the dishwasher so that as the table is cleared anything to go into the trash is dropped there as the dishes are placed into the DW. She also recommended a breakfast center, so we have our coffee pot near the drawers with cereal and coffee. If you use your toaster oven for breakfast it can also go there. I would consider to the right or left of refrigerator depending on how comfortable you feel (or perhaps you plan to keep the cereal in that wonderful walk-in pantry). Then when you want the toaster off the counter you can lower into a drawer or into the pantry. You also probably want a drawer for all your plastic containers. Our KD suggests to have that drawer at a place near the fridge & where you will walk from the breakfast/dining room with leftovers, fill the containers, & place immediately into the fridge with minimum steps. I appreciate you wanting to have an above or under counter shelf for the microwave. If you want it under the counter I'd consider to the right of the refrigerator -- it seems like I am always pulling things out of the fridge or freezer & popping into the microwave. This way you won't be carrying it far. Otherwise the other end of your island could work. I recommend you consider (or at least look at) the Sharpe Microwave Drawer. It is wonderful! I can stir or test temperature without having to get on my knees to look into the Microwave or pull the dish out onto the counter. It is a built in. How much do you use the door going to the outside? Your microwave & plastic containers can go there or your breakfast area. I guess it depends on the time of day that door gets used the most. Otherwise you can place items that seldom get used, but you want easy access to. I agree with kmennenga about the desk. Perhaps put it on the wall near the pantry. You can have a hutch-style or desk. Have drawers for hanging files so you can manage your papers. This was something we didn't have room for. We converted the lower desk space in our old kitchen to a butler's-pantry style area & have one large drawer for hanging files, as well another drawer with a writing surface (under the writing surface is space for place mats or entertaining supplies -- cocktail napkins, small dishes, small-ish cheese trays & spreaders). Also lots of electrical outlets to plug in laptops & cell phones can be placed along side the light rail(or also in the island). I hope this helps. Good luck with your project....See MoreThe 2 1/2x to 3x window width rule for treatments
Comments (67)Those original lamps are now split between the kitchen lounge and the living room. I think these old lamps are passé now! I had a similar-sized chest on that side and since I had to pull it out to get the ladder in place, I tried this small table. I'd like to find a matching pair of lamps for my master since I like those others in so many places! What about these since they're the same color as my overhead fixture and rods. Modern drum shade? I'm concerned that they're too tall at 31" with shade. These are metallic in color on the base and 27" high: More bookmarked lamps to web has slowed down...See MoreLiving room layout, 11 x 12
Comments (19)So I've made some headway - I plan to buy this sofa (76" wide by 36" deep), and am struggling with chairs to face it. Sofa: I am looking for small scale, comfortable chairs. I don't really like armless chairs. In my hunting, I came across this, which was VERY comfortable. I think it is very attractive, and the footprint is small: 29" wide, 31" deep. However, I wonder if it's too blocky looking - e.g., should I look for something leggier? Honestly though I love them and they're SO comfy. Thoughts?...See MoreSmaller dining room 12x12 and pantry or larger DR no pantry?
Comments (14)Do you have another eating area besides the dining room and the island? If so how many can you seat there? Also of that is the case how do you intend to use the dining room. If it is only occasionally as in rarely then a smaller room would be ok, but if it is once a week and you’d have 8 people once a week then it might bug you more. If it is rarely and just a few times a year then I’d also consider doing away with it if you have another eating area and use this dining to enlarge the kitchen/ pantry and the other dining area....See MoreRelated Professionals
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