Help! How can I make my new couch look better??
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago
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Comments (8)Spile aerators seldom do much good since they simply push the soil away compacting it further, what may be beneficial is a plug aerator, something that removes a 1/4 inch plug of soil. However, the single best thing you can do is get lots organic matter into that Iowa soil because without that OM your soil will simply slide back together again. In the meantime set your mower at the highest level you can and mow so that you do not cut off more than 1/3 of the grass blade at any time. The more grass blade exposed to the sun the more nutrients that grass blade can manufacture to feed the crown that will then send out more grass to fill in the empty places, eventually. Mulch mow too, recycling the grass clippings right where they came from will supply your turf with 1/2 the annual nutrient requirement as well as supply a bit of mulch to help conserve soil moisture and help keep the soil cooler which will keep the grass happier and somewhat less likely to go dormant this summer. However the key is to get organic matter into your soil....See MoreCouch comes out past an opening. Can I make it look better?
Comments (6)Pull the sofa away from the windo a tad and pull it slightly towards the dolly. I think that will look better. I to like hidden tv components even more than I like centered furniture :) in older homes it is always a compromise but when all is said and done it usually ends up working out......See MoreHow can I make my doors look better?
Comments (2)I would clean the door well, and apply a scratch cover touch up in the color of the doors. The scratches are not that bad, and wont even be noticable. The black hardware should look good, if it matches in with other black hardware in your home....See MoreHow do I make my wine cellar look better?
Comments (47)edenchild, I bet you could find fancy stuff online or in an upscale sort of store if you wanted to... but just the basic stuff a local fabric store would have would work just fine. Most fabric stores sell felt by the yard in basic primary colors, some pastels, and sometimes some prints. Get it by the yard, it comes in different widths, but common around 36 or 44 inches, sometimes wider- then you can cut it to whatever size you need it and you don't need seams or anything to finish the edges. Don't get squares or sheets of the stuff, you got too much racks to play with that. If you want, you could pick something bright to add a wee pop of color to the shelf fronts while still being functional. Red would be traditional, but light or bright colors would be nice too. Cut the felt to be barely inside the depth of the shelves, draping over the front edge is a PITA and usually looks like tacky crap. But do be sure to leave yourself with a few inches of drape on both ends over on the width of the shelves, gives you shift room for bottle movement as they get added or removed from the shelf. To do this... and use a fabric tape that's soft and not a hard ruler or metal measuring tape... measure the depth of your shelf just inside the braces, and that's final. Then lay the tape across the width of your shelf, using a bottle in each slot to make sure the "dip curve" is accounted for, and use that for your width measurement. Also... you might not be one for chardonnay since it's a white, but since you like reds... watch your cabs and pinot bottles. Some of them have a slight taper with the bottle and it's better to store them punt facing out instead of the wall if you stack your bottles on top of each other. Again, vibrations can cause a slide, and better to slide into the wall instead of onto the floor....See MoreRelated Professionals
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