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July blooms

Well, it's the height of the rose season here so a few more got caught on camera:

Blanche de Castille

My favourite white rose (not that I've grown that many, but anyway...).

Gesualdo da Venosa

A modern Gallica with an unusual colour for the group (I only know of the American Gallica Marianne with similar colour) . The Apricot shading is only there when the flower is Young and fades quickly to a light, creamy yellow. Fragrant. Planted last spring and flowering for the first time.


First flower from this new Austin. The colour is just what I hoped it would be and it is very fragrant (myrrh-like), but powdery mildew resistance leaves a lot to be desired!

The Lady Gardener

Does quite well in full ground here. Fourth season.


Even more apricot-yellow. New rose for me.

Pullman Orient Express (aka Love & Peace)

Needs no introduction I guess?

Susanna Tamaro

Hybrid tea with very large and very full, highly fragrant flowers.


Died back to the ground in the Winter, but has come back fast and furious.

Pretty Kiss

One of the very few singles I grow. Very disease resistant in full ground. Slightly fragrant.


Bud is deep pink in colour but opens to pure red. Disease resistant and fragrant.

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