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July 4th blooms

Julia WV (6b)
6 years ago

A beautiful day to get chores done even though we started the morning with a dewy 57 degrees. Many of you posted about the splotches and here too, cool, dewy mornings does affect some of the blooms. But many pulled through just fine.

OSTERIZED - I highly recommend this daylily. Always perfect openings, well placed large blooms and increases great. Best part, it is tall and does not droop with the heavy blooms.

RIBBIT RIBBIT - just keeps pumping out the scapes and blooms each year. All those scapes provide a great show for several weeks.

MOUNT ECHO SUNRISE - this one can lean when multiple blooms are open on the same scape. Still a very liable early morning opener.

STEALTH BOMBER - went into overdrive this morning with so many opening at once. All FFO. Too many at once tends to hang up some of the inner blooms. Lots of scapes and buds this year so it will also be blooming for a long time.

SCULTPED SEASHELLS - this is registered as a ev so I wouldn't recommend it for a zone lower than mine. It had 4 blooms open and only 2 opened good. Definitely does not like cool mornings.

LAVENDER CREAM CASCADES - I've only found 1 scape on the entire clump and it is under the registered height this year. hmmm, not sure what happened with it this year. I do like the color combination and it recurves nicely as seen in the second photo. Mine has a cream color not peachy with the lavender edge and eye area.

SOUL ON FIRE - looks like it will be a bump crop year of blooms on this one this year. Sadly it does need dividing but I may need a backhoe to lift this clump out.

ENTER LAUGHING - reliable, increases good.

FREEDOMS TRIUMP - not a good emo on cool, dewy mornings. It had several blooms open this morning but this was the best that opened fully. Sorry for the close headshot.


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