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no growth in my raised beds!

Hi fellow gardeners! I'm in zone 5b (north of Toronto) and I've been gardening (on the ground/native soil) for a couple of years with good results but the weeds and space requirements were always a problem. So this year I decided to go with raised beds and square foot gardening. My beds are 4'x8'x12" with landscaping fabric at the bottom. I filled them up entirely with pre-mixed garden soil from a nursery: a blend of compost, aged bark, peat, topsoil and manure (typical analysis: pH: 6.5-7.5, EC: <2.5 mS/cm, Organic Matter Content: 15-25% by weight, Bulk Density: < 1.3 g/cc). After filling up the beds, I planted my vegetables right away! That was almost four weeks weeks ago and the vegetables are not growing - the plants seem to be on standby mode! We've had the rainiest June on record here with many heavy downpours and I'm afraid the rain might have drained away much of the nutrients in the beds. Soil level in the beds has definitely dropped. Does anyone suggest anything that I can do to help the plants now? Or should I start thinking about next season already? I was thinking about adding a layer of compost and/or mulch all over and around the plants? Looking forward to any suggestions. Thanks again!

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