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Please help review my layout

7 years ago

We're expanding our kitchen by removing a loadbearing wall between kitchen and FR and reducing size of our current foyer in our 60's L-shaped ranch. I've attached our layout so far and welcome any and all suggestions. I feel I'm still at the 10k ft view so although attached drawing calls out cabinet sizes, I'm still looking for appliance placement/validation and flow.

1. 8' sliders in current kitchen would like to remain as is

2. One load bearing point marked on drawing 15' from the sliders. It is central point of our L shaped ranch with basement and needs to stay.

3. There's a 7 1/2" step down to the sunken LR to the right side of the kitchen. Currently non-loadbearing wall and we'd like to open up or remove for open site line from new kitchen to existing LR.

4. Appliances are purchased, but not sink. Fridge is large at 30.5" to hinge of french doors.

5. Prefer no water or cooktop in island, but would like seating for 2 or 3.

6. Existing 72" wide large window in old FR is only 20" from floor. I doubt there's a logical design that leaves that as is, so open to resizing but love my natural light.

7. The walk in pantry w/sliders and coat closet next to it on the drawing currently don't exist. It's proposed to reduce size of existing foyer to create these new spaces.

My head has been spinning for months trying to come up with best fix for our current small kitchen and lack of overall storage in the house. Giving up FR is big change/sacrifice and hoping to hear from the experts so I'm comfortable to move forward. DH and I can handle reno mess, chaos, change, but obsess on getting functionality in the finished product. Thanks so much in advance.

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