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need a new wood fill product - not elmers

Debbie Downer
6 years ago

I used to have a good system for wood repairs - abatron for
larger or more serious repairs, then Elmers interior-exterior wood fill
for the smaller repairs or filling nail holes or to go on after the
abatron to fill in any minor remaining gaps

The stuff used to be the color and consistency of smooth (not chunky)
peanut butter and go on very smoothly and usually only needed one pass
at it with no shrinking and only minimal sanding.

Now there some gritty crap in it that makes it impossible to get a
smooth surface and it ends up with holes and gaps and a rough texture
due to the grittiness and dry consistency.

I guess these are the wood particles which makes it stainable.

But I don't want stainable! I want smooth. Can anyone else suggest
another product that's like the old Elmers - ie. SMOOOTTHHH (no granular
wood particle or whatever that is), good for exterior as well as
interior repairs, doesn't shrink, strong, holds up well over time.

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