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Kentia Palm browing but unsure how to help

Matthew Newcombe
6 years ago

Hi There,

I moved this Kentia (I believe it's Kentia at least) palm
into my home about 2 months ago. After about 3 weeks a low down set of leaves
went mostly brown which I assumed to be shock, but I'm unsure.

Now it seems that the palm is starting to develop yellow/brown
patches on more of the leaves, and the top frond is drooping. Some fronds do
seem entirely unaffected though.

I'm watering the palm roughly every 2 weeks, I try to
test the soil to see if it's dry for an inch or two then water, often I feel
lower than two inches is slightly moist but not damp.

It's situated next to a window but recieves little to no
direct sunlight.

I haven't repotted it at all and it is in the same soil
as it originally came in (whilst looking very healthy)

Any advice would be hugely appreciated, thanks!
