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If you like Before and After photos; Look Here

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Although the dayliliy beds were weeded and in pretty good shape, nothing else was at the start of the season. The back half of my little rose garden had been more or less on its own for three years because of knee injury, pain, then surgery.

Here is what it looked like this weekend: Back view

A little lower: (violets too, Brad)
It took a bit more than one long day to clear the vegetation, then it looked like this: (sorry, didn't show the violets gone)
From the other end (front half), it is blurry because it focused on the bush on the right.

Then, it was today and time to mulch; but first see if last evenings rain brought out any weeds and pull them if it did. Twenty 2 cubit ft bags (about 40 pounds each when dry of mulch and instead they were wet from yesterdays evening rain). It was just about as much weight as I want to handle, and I am glad they were 2 and not 3 cubic foot bags

Nicely mulched back half of rose garden:

Nicely Mulched front half.

Now the front half of this garden had been weeded at least twice, but not mulched properly. Those green mounds are Candytuft, The outside of the fence with the glads still needs to be weeded and all of the little oak trees that have sprouted will have to be cut and Remedied or pulled up. I am about as tired as I want to be, and I will post most of my flower pics tomorrow, but here is one of my favorite shots of the garden today. (And look at the grass in those formerly pristine beds).


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