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Winter losses and spring disappointments

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I need to vent because I am disappointed this spring. Perhaps because last spring everything was lush and a riot of bloom. Or maybe because this might be my last spring here and the disappointments seem greater than other years when I likely took them in stride.

While I appreciate the perennials that grow and bloom as usual, Caradonna salvia, iris, primula, iberis, and geum there have been some previously reliable plants that have disappeared or performed poorly this spring.

A large clump of long blooming daisies died out. Fortunately I moved some last spring so didn't lose them completely.

Several of my clematis plants are not growing or are emerging very late. Some are having a very limited growth and bloom. Others are maturing well with good growth and bloom.

The foliage of the red oriental poppies, Beauty of Livermere, has been lush but blooms were small and edges dried or dried buds, likely due to sudden hot temps after a cool wet spring.

My young pink tree peony was lovely with six to eight big blooms. Other peonies had fewer blooms than usual or were short lived due to spring storms.

So, what do I need? I need to share with real gardeners who can commiserate and say, "There, there, the gardening season is still early here and see how lovely the salvia is with the blooming alliums. Oh, and here are some blue penstemon just opening?" Etc.

Okay friends, I've seen your success photos and read about what is growing well. Do you have any losses or disappointments this spring?

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