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Cactus roots & soil ingredients that retain water

I feel like this should be common sense for some reason, but I just don't know the answer. Say you have your cactus in a gritty mix. When it's watered, turface and/or pumice, for example, will absorb and hold water, then slowly release it (as needed I assume). The roots are obviously not sitting in wet soil in this situation, but is it bad that the roots will be touching moist soil components for an extended period of time? If it is out in the weather and it happens to rain a few days later, would that alone potentially overload the cactus roots with water? By that I mean, ignoring the fact that the cactus gets wet again, does the longer period of time the roots will now be in contact with moist components cause an issue? I know that's a strange question, but I'm trying to figure out exactly how the soil moisture retention works.
I'd appreciate any help!

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