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Dura Heat River Birch - new purchase, should I separate stems?

I just bought a Dura Heat River Birch (~6ft) on clearance at Lowe's. It has three trunks and I'm wondering how I can tell if it's three separate trees or a single base. My guess is that it is three separate trees because I can see each trunk going into the dirt and no common base. If they are three separate trees, should I separate them out and plant them individually instead of in a clump of three? I read somewhere that having three trees planted together in the same hole can cause root competition and eventually a weaker tree. I never see river birches as a single trunk... would that look strange? Any advice would be much appreciated!

The tree seems to be in really good shape... looks like just one of its branches was broken off which is why it was put on clearance. Hoping it's ok to go ahead and plant it now here in zone 6b/7 even though it's starting to get hot.

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