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Looking for Tomato help (something I don't normally need!)

7 years ago

Hello All!
I have 2 tomatoes. I think one is an Ace (indeterminate), and an Ace II (determinate). I expected the Ace to take off and overwhelm my garden in no time. Well, that didn't happen...

The Ace II has been growing well, has flowers, and an early fruit, even.
The Ace has not been growing. The leaves are rather dark. It has flowers, but as I said-it's not grown much since planted 6 weeks or more ago.
Both plants get the same sun exposure (all afternoon ~9 hours), same water (~1" or 4gal/week), and same planting medium.

I fertilized once already with a chickenmeal-based fertilizer, but that did not resolve anything.
The smaller plant does not appear to have any pests (nor does the larger one, obviously).

Not sure what to do next...

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