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OMG my Alabaster White looks GREEN!!??? Only on Kitchen Cabinets

7 years ago

Okay. So I have been having the HARDEST time with paint. I picked SW Alabaster white for my cabinets and trim and ceilings. It looks creamy true white everywhere except for my kitchen cabinets uncertain lighting. You can see the lower cabinets look white! But upper ones have a minty green tone. My kitchen gets a ton of daylight but when it's overcast that's when the green tint comes out, or as dusk when the sun is going down. I paid to have these cabinets done as well as my house painted (which by the way all of my grey paint looks blue) so I am having the painters come back to repaint and got samples/out different colors on the walls in different lighting to make sure the blue doesn't happen. My problem is I cannot afford to get the cabinets painted again too, and it really does look great everywhere else. Any advice as to a kitchen color that is grey that will help?

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