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Pantry design help.

7 years ago

Can anyone help with tips on designing the top half of my pantry shelves? My rough dimensions are 79" wide by 24" deep by 84" maybe a few more high. In the bottom center of the pantry I will be putting 2- 24" drawer cabinets for Tupperware and school snacks. On either side of the drawers I plan to store large appliances like my KA mixer and crockpot. Where I'm at a loss is the upper half. How deep should the shelves be? Should I wrap them around the corner or keep straight shelves? And how far apart should they be? Any help is appreciated and any pics you have of your pantry would be helpful. I attached an inspiration pic I found. Oh and my Dh says mine will not be a walk in style like this pic since my base cabinets will deter that. Thanks!

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