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Devoniensis was the only rose that I have planted in this garden that did not thrive. After a few years, I gave up on it and planted Lady Hillingdon a couple of feet away from it, under an apricot tree. Lady Hillingdon didn't like it either, so I gave up and planted a bougainvillea there as well.

The bougainvillea thrived from the start, but then Lady Hillingdon with her beautiful, plum purple canes started to grow. "Great" I thought, "At least there will be one rose in the tree". Then Devoniensis, which had dwindled down to one cane years before, started to grow as well!

Now both Devoniensis and Lady Hillingdon are flowering, but I cannot tell them apart. Devoniensis, may start out whiter than Lady Hillingdon, but it doesn't stay that way.

The only way I can tell which is which, is to trace the cane back to ground level.

Devoniensis's one cane to-day.

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