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Imagine this:

7 years ago

The time is now, April of 2017. BUT! You are a senior in high school, graduation is coming up soon. Your grade point average is the same as it was 'back then', when you actually did graduate high school, (if, in fact, you did. Not everyone does, you know!), as is your financial situation. Your whole life is ahead of you. There are many many more opportunities available now then even just a relatively few years ago. You have to chose a path for your future, whether it be a career in a professional field, or a trade, or whatever.

What would you do?

I would want to get into forensics of some sort. Not as a medical examiner, but crime scene investigation. Or maybe a criminal profiler. I grew up very poor, there were no funds for a college education, so I would have to apply for scholarships and/or student loans, and get a job of some sort, probably part time, if available. My grades were good, I think I could have gotten a scholarship. But the forensics of now were unknown back then. So it wasn't even a remote possibility. Girls weren't even encouraged to further their educations, except possibly as a nurse or secretary. So I did what the majority of young women did in that time, I married and became a stay at home house wife and, in due time, mother.

So what, if anything, would you do differently than you did, given the choices that are available to young people today?


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