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OT - just need to rant to other gardeners who will understand

Cori Ann - H0uzz violated my privacy
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I have one neighbor who annoys the heck out of me.

Before I really begin... Let me preface this by saying I adore all my other neighbors, I do my best to be positive and not complain... but I really need to just get this off my chest to others who will get where I'm coming from.

The wife is not social at all. She's actually super rude. The kids yell and scream. They leave their dogs out and just let them bark and bark and bark... FOR HOURS. They dogs are kind of bizerk, but I blame it on the owners, not the dogs. But the dogs are super annoying. They're little and yappy and sound like they're attacking, killing each other and choking they get so worked up when they bark.

But here's the worst.. They just totally let their entire yard go.

Never maintain their huge redwoods or other trees. Branches fall all over every year. But this year... with the drought, then all the rain... it's even worse. And of course they fall right into our yard and we have to dispose of them.

Never even mowed their weed lawn ALL FALL OR WINTER!!! Lucky us, they did it once over the summer. So I'm stuck pulling up weeds that have blown over to my yard from their yard since they let their entire weed lawn go to flower for months. Even worse... Right now, as I type this... they have a couple guys over there FINALLY chopping down their weed lawn, but they have to do it with weed whackers because the weeds are over knee high and I can literally see the weed pollen dust flying all over. ARGH!!!!!!

I swear I want to just set a torch to their whole yard.

Deep breath.

No more coffee for me. My heart is racing. Growl.

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